"How about you go to sleep?" I stuck my tongue out before standing up, leaving a laughing Lisa behind.

"Whoever he is, tell him I won't approve unless he buys me a Timberlands!" Lisa screamed and I shake my head before closing my door.

"That little shit," I laughed to myself.

Moving forward,  I placed my phone on my bedside table before letting my body be comforted by the warmth of my soft bed.

My hand reached for the stuffed toy Yoongi had given me in our first month.

"Your Appa is being mean to me..." I whispered, my hand stroking his head as if I'm petting it.

So many thoughts started crossing my mind.



Our members...

It hasn't been so long after both our groups were a mess mainly because Chaeyoung and Jimin got involved with a huge drama along with Seulgi. Thankfully, the two were fine now and we can't be any happier. I can't bear to see Chaeyoung suffering like that.

With all these thoughts in mind, my consciousness started dripping off my control.

And it wasn't long until I felt myself getting drawn into a deep slumber.

But before I can even do so, I heard the sound of my phone beeping.

Eyes still closed, I lifted my hands to reach for my phone.

Not even bothering to check who' s calling, I hit the answer button.

"Hello?" I answered, my voice hoarse a little.

"I love you..." My eyes immediately opened when I heard Yoongi's voice,  my body bolting upwards.

It was just three words but I felt my energy surging up maximum, the rapid beating of my heart becoming dangerous.

"Yoongi-yah..." My lips quiver, just hearing his voice makes my heart go weak.

"Have you eaten?" he asked and I moved a little so my back is resting on my bed's headboard.

I bit my lower lip at his question, quite guilty. I was pretty upset earlier I forgot to eat.

"Just, open the door. I'll be there in ten minutes," he stated and my eyes widened. The moment the call got cut off,  I bolted out of my bed to check the living room especially Lisa.

Chaeyoung and Jennie were out for God knows what reason but Lisa being here is a different thing.

Once I was out, I went to check if Lisa was in her room but to my surprise, she isn't. I wonder where she is.

It wasn't long until he came. The next moment, we were both in my room as he watches me digging on the food he brought.

"I told you not to starve yourself, didn't I?" He smiled while stroking my hair, his eyes almost dropping as if he hasn't slept a wink.

Stopping myself, I look at him and my heartache after remembering the words I sent to him over text.

Yoongi, he won't do anything that will hurt me, not deliberately at least.

I bite my lip as I felt my chest feeling quite heavy. I put down my spoon as I stare at the plate before me.


Pabo,  Kim Jisoo.

You must have hurt him.

With that in thought, a tear suddenly escaped in my eyes and it hit me.

I always think about myself, my pain, what I am feeling. And all he does is the opposite.

I am a bad woman.

"Yah..." he moved forward, his hand lifting my fave as he carefully cupped my face.

"Why are you crying?" he cooed and it broke me, even more, to see him being in pain because of me.

"I'm sorry," I told him.

He should have been at home resting but he went to see me because I was upset.

"I'm sorry for not thinking about how you feel. I'm sorry for only caring about what I feel," I sniffed as my tears kept pouring.

I felt him pulling me until his arms wrapped around my waist, his sweet smell lingering over my senses.

"I love you, my Chu. You will never be a burden to me, always remember that..." He whispered. 

My arms wrapped around his as I cherish every moment he is with me.

Be happy, Jisoo. Be happy because his heart is yours.


Watermelons and SkiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora