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Hello! I just wanted to introduce myself a bit. My name is Jaqueline. I loooove books (you don't say). I DO NOT consider myself a writer. I do, however, write a lot of stories. Most of these stories come from dreams I have (like this one). I was not sure of posting my personal thoughts and dreams here but I was so overwhelmed by a nightmare that I had to write about it and I ended up loving it.

I do have many lovely dreams but most of them are nightmares. A few days ago I had this particular nightmare and I can't stop thinking about it. I don't know if anyone will read it or if anyone is actually interested in these things (I'm not a fan of these types of stories). That being said, I do have more stories about love and stuff...👀 so lmk.

Disclaimer: I am not sure if I am writing anything correctly since I haven't written in english for so long (I went to school in Mexico).


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