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[System rerun
Conclusion... atmosphere: safe]
[Releasing cryogenic stasis...error!....nine tanks not responding]

[Proceeding with release...patients heart ...thawing process: complete]

Air gushed forth into my lungs as I was awakened from my deep sleep.

"Wha-? Where am I? Wait......this is.."

I scanned my surrounding to find a clue as to what happened. From what I saw, all that was left of the bunker was a few large pieces of metal, some hanging wire and the broken cryonics tanks.

My chest felt tight. My vision blurred up as I scanned two dead corpses in there prisons. Brad was one or....what was left.....

Only mangled bits of him remained the only recognizable part was his left arm, which had its unique tribal tattoos. I looked away,  on the verge of puking. 

'Why? Why was this happening to me? If only god was more generous towards his creations then maybe we wouldn't be here'

My chest pain worsened as I breathed in. 'No! Can't worry about that. Have to find any survivors' I mustered up all my strength and urged myself forward, but.


Sharp shooting pain, and the sound of flesh ripping. I immediately moved back to my previous position. It was not till I calmed down that I saw the full extent of my injuries.

Five steel poles used to reinforce concrete protruded through my shoulders, my thighs and one through the centre of my chest. I kinda looked like a divine being. I couldn't help but laugh.... mistake.

I started hurling up mounds of blood, but after the excessive blood loss a flash of light caught my eye. I urged my head up and look at the last and most beautiful sight I have ever saw.

"J...Jess?" I slurred my words, but it was her. She was frozen solid. With her eyes closed and hair flowing in an upward suspended state. Her hand was stretched out, as if she were a guardian angel or better yet, life and I her death. I've watched her beauty grow over the years, but I couldn't believe this would be the last time I ever see her again.

"Ta....tank 007.... release...............tank 007 ....release...." no response. Maybe the computer didn't hear me?

"Tank 007 release! " I said in an assertive tone.

No response.

"TANK 007 RELEASE! ...please...." I couldn't hold back my tears as they leapt forth  from my eyes. My last chance at giving at least one of us hope to live, failed. 

I gave up, my time was fleeting, and there was nothing I could do. I tilted my head up and smiled at her.

"You know. ... I've. .. I've always loved you. Ever since I first saw you at my grandparents mechanics shop." Breathing in I looked to the left, at a huge part of the bunker that had crumbled to reveal the orange and red sky of sunset. 

"I was eight and kinda shy of people. My grandpa told me to talk to you... but...lets just say that, at the time you didn't really like looking people in the eye. So I watched you work on your peddle powered motorbike,  of course I didn't talk and you only really wanted me to hand you tools." I looked at her closed eyes, as her perfect face stayed frozen, oblivious to time.

"You know. .. even if I were just back there right now, or had to stay here like this for all eternity, I'd wait.... no matter how long it takes, I'd wait for you...."

My heart felt as though it would give out, but not from blood loss. I would die cause of the fact that this was my end, and she would be trapped for all eternity. 

" it may still sound stupid to me....but if there is anybody still left on this earth, and their able to see you shine........, they best be calling you butter, cause you are on a roll..."

[Voice recognition analysis: accepted..... sync nero data.....thawing process complete. ....patient 007 in optimal form]

My eyes widened as her locks of hair slowly fell. Her sleepy head slowly resting to one side of the tank. I couldn't help, but give a little smile.

" heh.....I'm glad....."

               ¤[Jessica Madigan]

The metal felt cool on my cheek as I slowly came back to reality. A warm sunset to embrace me, like a newborn getting wrapped with a blanket. 

"Do we get free food after this?" I questioned as I stretched out my sore limbs.

There was no response.

"Hey, I said......" I opened my eyes to hell. It was so horrible that I felt that it must have been a dream. Rubble, tanks, corpses, blood, gore.........Derek.

His head was facing down to his feat. He was impaled in each shoulder, tigh and once through his chest. I rushed over to him, nearly tripping on the deibre.

"Derek.....DEREK! " all I could do was kneel down, and cry at his feet. I don't remember for how long I was their. After I calmed down, I heard wheezing. 

"Your.....your still alive! " I jumped up, so happy I almost hugged him. "Don't worry, I'll go find something to help. You'll be fine."

I ran over to my tank and skimmed the side frame. Grabbing the hinge I kicked the bottom to help it open. After a few seconds of pure might and skill, I finally got it open. And there it was......a huge kunai shaped blade.

"Time to get to work."

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