The Warehouse

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Two faces peered at the dusty old machine in the barn.

"It ate her," Mr. Kane announced solemnly as he bowed his head in regret.

Mrs. Kane's snapped around to stare at him. "Ate her?" she repeated in disbelief.

Mr. Kane nodded.

"Just like it ate Mr. whiskers?" Mrs. Kane whispered as her hand went to her mouth.

"That cat had it coming. Honestly, what would you expect sleeping on top of my machines all the time?"

For a moment Mrs. Kane stayed silent before her eyes suddenly widened. "You're telling me this machine ate my daughter?" she cried almost hysterically.

"Now, now, Isabel," Mr. Kane told her as he patted her back comfortingly. "That's why I wanted to get a puppy." Mrs. Kane stiffened, yet her husband seemed not to notice as he continued, "pets are a lot easier to get over. You only mourned for Mr. Whiskers for a week..."

Mrs. Kane grabbed her husband's shoulders and began to shake him. "We're talking about my daughter here Samuel! Our daughter! That is somewhat different from a pet!"

"I-I k-k-know ho-ho-honey," Mr. Kane replied as his wife continued to shake him. "B-but wha-t am I s-s-upo-s-sed t-to do ab-bout i-it?"

"Make. It. Spit. Her. Out!" Mrs. Kane yelled angrily as she suddenly let her husband go.

Mr. Kane took a moment to adjust his glassed which sat askew on his face from all the shaking. "I'm afraid that may be a bit difficult," he admitted.

"I'm not asking you, Samuel!" Mrs. Kane glared at him, "I'm demanding that you bring Sahara back here!"

Mr. Kane scratched his head. "Well..."

"Well what?" Mrs. Kane snapped.

"Maybe if I tinker around with it a bit I can reverse the effect..."

"Then do it!"

Mr. Kane let out a defeated sigh and walked up to the machine. He picked up wrench and paused before turning to his wife. "Don't worry dear. I'll have Serena back in a jiffy!"

"She's called Sahara!"

"Oh yes, well..." to hide his embarrassment Mr. Kane turned to the machine. He reached out a hand and yet no sooner did he touch it than it began to shake. He jumped back in surprise. Both he and Mrs. Kane watched in shock as the machine began to display a shower of sparks. Suddenly it let out one last shudder and then went up in smoke.

Mrs. Kane shot Mr. Kane a horrified look.

"Well," Mr. Kane scratched his chin. "This might take a bit longer than I first thought it would."

Mrs. Kane let out an angry hiss. She glared at her husband before marching up to the machine. Careful not to touch it she leaned towards it.

"Sahara, honey!" She yelled. "Can you hear me, dear?" She paused, as though waiting for a reply. When none came she seemed unfazed. "Hold on and don't worry. Samuel will fix this and you'll be back here in no time!" She turned around to face her husband. "Say something to Sahara," she told him solemnly.

Mr. Kane wrung his hands, seeming uncertain about talking to the machine.

"Apologize to her Samuel!" Mrs. Kane told him firmly.

"Ah..." Mr. Samuel leaned forward. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

"That's all you have to say?" Mrs. Kane hissed.

"Um...well if you find Mr. Whiskers let him know I'm terribly sorry to him as well." As a result to this Mr. Kane received a whack across the back of his head from his wife.

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