The Inner City

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It was first when Terrell dropped her hand that Sahara began to notice her surroundings in more detail. She was indeed standing in what looked like an alley. The walls of the houses to either side of her looked almost as though they were made of some sort of metal, which Sahara guessed had to be copper.

"Hey, you coming?" Realizing that Terrell had moved to the end of the alley and was waiting, Sahara bounded after him. While he was a complete stranger to her she needed to find a way to contact the Kane's.

Maybe he can help me find a phone, she thought as she stepped out of the alley after Terrell.

There was a loud slurping sound and Terrell suddenly paused. He took out the straw of the strawberry milk carton and attempted to peer inside before he held it upside down. Seeming satisfied that it was empty he casually tossed both the carton and straw to the side of the road. It landed in a large pile of trash, which already littered the area. In fact, it looked like the street to either side was covered in dirt and different assortments of trash. The smell itself gave away that things had been this dirty for a while.

Sahara wrinkled her nose.

"You're lucky I decided to take out this board today," Terrell spoke as he patted the board he held under his arm. "It's built specially for speed. Had it been a weight, height, or maneuverability board I would have never caught you in time."

As none of what he said made sense anyway, Sahara wasn't really listening.

"Where are all the people?" she whispered. It was a good question, for the entire street was abandoned and other than a soft droning sound, there was silence.

Terrell shot her a confused look. "Did I mention this is Regona City?"

"But...there's no people here," Sahara whispered as she avoided his eyes. Is he angry?

"Of course not," Terrell shrugged. "We're in the outskirts of the city. They've been abandoned since the Wis Virus hit. Those that survived moved to the inner city. It makes everything easier. Mind you, there still are a few that live out on the outskirts...just not this far out."

"Wis virus?"

"Yes, as in W.I.S. but we just call it Wis," Terrell sounded somewhat impatient. Stopping he turned to face her. "You really must have hit your head hard to not know about that...or..." his eyes narrowed again and yet he did not say what he was thinking.

Sahara didn't bother to ask the questions that were forming in her mind. It was probably better not to antagonize Terrell, for she was scared that if she somehow offended him he would leave her out here alone, and then what?

"Come on," Terrell told her as he waved his free hand. "Let's go to the inner city. We'll find someone you know and sort this whole thing out."

Sahara opened her mouth to tell him she didn't know anyone here, in fact, all she needed was a phone. However, she closed her mouth before the words could come out. Maybe it was better to tell him once they reached the inner city.

"Alright." Startled Sahara looked up to see that Terrell pressed something on his bracelet and dropped the board from under his arm. It started to fall and yet suddenly jolted to a stop, hovering a few feet above the ground. To her surprise Terrell got on it and it continued to hover, its height only decreasing ever so slightly under his weight. Turning he looked over at Sahara expectantly. She stared back at him blankly.

"Come on," he motioned for her to come join him.

"Y-you mean get on?" Sahara asked.

"What?" Terrell snorted, "You thought we were going to walk? That would take ages!"

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