All For You

176 7 1

October 31, 1981

I just only can think in Lily at this moment. My sister is in danger of death because a crazy man of auction chases her and her family run right to the place where supposedly her protected house with some magic thing is.

-Excuse me, miss - an old man stands in my way, I try to ignore and dodge him but it seems that he does not want to get out. He extend his hand with a handwritten paper. I try again follow my travel but he does not leave me.

-If I grab the stupid paper will he let me go on? - I finally, lose patience.

He nods in response, I rip off the paper, putting it in my pocket and go back to start my run. I'm not going to read it, it's not relevant coming from a simple vagabond. I hate my sister. Or so I thought; When I found out that she was about to die, I decide to see her, at least, one more, to make the passes. According to what they told me, it is not certain that this Voldemort find her, but I'm not going to trust a dirty witch.

I turn the corner and I see something coming through the door of my sister's house.

Without hesitation I quickly move towards the door and enter finding the back of a bald. He turns around lowering his wand, which was pointing to James, my sister's husband, and he points me, this time, direct to me. I hear hurried steps down the stairs and there is that red hair that I did not see so long ago.

-Petunia? - It's the only thing that comes out of his lips when she sees me, clearly surprised. Her eyes fill with tears and al last, I understand that this bald one in front of me is the one that everyone fears, but not me, no now, my sister is in danger.

Taking value from some unknown part of my being, determined path towards my sister passing by Voldemort's side and I stand in front of her, protecting her from whatever the bald guy might think.

-You really think you can protect someone with your insignificant person, dirty Muggle?-he hisses, freezing my body. However, instead of showing my fear I feel Lily's hand and I take a strange stick out of her hand, which I think they use to defend themselves witches. How hard can it be? Decided, I point to the man without a nose generating a sarcastic laugh.

What are you going to do with that? - He looks at me with a malevolent smile that paralyzes me.

-If a bald man without a nose like you can do it, Why cannot I do it? - I say seriously causing the weird man to get upset.

-This is not a game, Petunia- whispers scolding my sister very scared. The bald man raises his wand and a green light comes out of it, my instinct or I do not know-what made me lift the rod that was in my hand. I do not know how, something came out of it and turned the green light of the man to the right. James managed to crouch just in time, before the light hit him.

-¡James! - Lily ran to help her husband while the bald and I continue our duel. Lights went off everywhere, I do not know how I'm doing this, I just know that I'm saving my sister, the only person who always loved me no matter how much it bothered her. So many times that I insulted her, all for a foolish envy and fear. It was something so new to me that I did not know how to react and, obviously, it was not the best way to do it. I hurt her too much in that time, but I am determined to change. Now I understand that life is more than just envy. I would give my life for my sister, I shared so many things with her that I would be unable to turn her back. So many times I mistreated because we do not understand how this matter of magic was. I regret, I wish I could go back time to avoid the problems between her and me. I would love to be able to tell her how sorry I am, how sorry I have made her suffer so many times for fear of the unknown.

In an oversight my rod flies through the air until it crashes violently against the ground breaking it in two. I look at my sister one more time, she try to run towards me but James manages to catch her in time. I thank you with a slight smile, one of those that I could only show when I was with my sister, laughing, playing, enjoying everything without thinking about anything other than us. I turn my gaze to Voldemort and remembering with a smile the happy moments I spent with my sister I closed my eyes waiting for whatever is to come. However, a light completely white and dazzling makes me open them. That light came from the fingers of my hands. Everything that is happening today is very strange, too strange for me. I look at the bald and, apparently, I'm not the only one surprised. I have a good and bad feeling about this, sigh, is my sister and, whatever happens, I will always try to protect her at all costs. I move forward with a decision never before seen in me, the bald one steps back only one step but, after reconsidering a second, he raise your wand again.

I'm so close to him that his rod touches my chest- ¡Petunia, no! - Lily screams behind me.

-You are my sister and, I will do anything for you. You are the only person who in spite of everything always loved me and, I believe, it's time to return the favor- I placed my hands on those of Voldemort. His are frozen and the mine, strangely, hot; mine emit white light and his began to emit a black light as his coat. I am afraid, very afraid, but I do not give up. I feel like I weaken little by little while memories with my sister come to my mind, but one in particular catches my attention.

-¡You are no longer my sister, Lily!-

-Petunia, there is magic within everyone and, I'm sure, there's magic inside you too-

After all this time she was right, I also had magic, so it feels? Wow. This is an inexplicable feeling that catches you and does not let you out. I thought I would never say this, but; I love magic.

Suddenly I feel like a colossal force attracts me towards Voldemort. I try to resist, just like he does, but nothing works and our bodies collide generating a big bang. Time stops for a second and I see my sister crying on her knees being held by James. However, this image does not last long as our whole environment turns white and time runs again. In front of me is this Voldemort lying on the floor, apparently, lifeless. But, it disappears in front of my eyes with a simple ¡Puff! I turn around and see Lily crying heartbreakingly on her husband's shoulder while he tries to console her by caressing her back. I decide to approach her and try to put my hand on her back but, I cross her as if I was a simple fantasy. I step back a step, very scared. Is my sister dead?

-Petunia- the voice of my father calls me from the door of my sister's house, I turn and run into his arms to give me one of those hugs he gave me when I was little. But I enter into reason and I split of that long-awaited hug. Dad had died five months ago, it was impossible for him to be here and now.

-You are not my father, so who are you? - I point him out with distrust.

-Why did you do it, Petunia? - Lily's cries could be heard throughout the house. I turn around and manage to contemplate her with tears in her eyes on someone's body. I approach and I see myself lying dead on the floor.

-But, what...? - My father's hand rests on my shoulder.

-I know it's difficult to process, but you're going to get used to it- My eyes are filled with tears. I could not touch Lily because the one who is dead, it's me, not her. I gave my life for my sister.

-Easy, honey, everything will be fine-

-I know, Lily is going to recover from this. She is a strong woman- I nod and dry my tears with my right hand.

-I was referring to you- adds without understanding that I, at last, did something for my sister.

-I do not regret what I did. Lily was the only person who always loved me- I turn around and look at him seriously- And, by the way, it is no longer necessary for you to pretend that you love me; I stopped believing in that when I heard you talking to mom. "Petunia is a shame, we'd better concentrate on Lily. She will have a good future"- leaving him with the open mouth of the surprise I decide to leave the house of my sister.

With one last look back, I walk to where my feet take me, I have nowhere to go. I do not regret. I would do it as many times as necessary. My sister is everything to me and I would give everything for her.

I Love you Lily.

All For You - James y Lily Potter - OneShotWhere stories live. Discover now