OMG I am about to CRY

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Hi you guys! So last night I was just playing around with WattPad and reading one of my very favorite books, Living with team Crafted on girllostinlife's account (If you havent read it, there is something wrong with you! ), and I decided, since I cant comment on paragraphs on her book, I should post a comment on her account! so thata what I do and I just say some kind things to her, and she, responded, back. I AM ABOUT TO CRY RIGHT NOW I AM SUCH A HUGE FAN!!! She responded back saying that WattPad said that she wasnt following me yet but she changed that and started to follow me AND I AM FREAKING OUT! SHE IS LIKE MY WATTPAD IDOL!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH KIMBERLY!!! YOU ROCK SO MUCH! Keep being as awesome as you are!!!

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