My Mythical Creature: Luna

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Everyone has their own Mythical Creature, and mine is Luna. Not the pony Luna. She is a Celestial Wolf that has huge white wings, and Demon like eyes, but is very kind and loves all creatures! Her fur is black, with the tips dyed all different shades of blue and purple, and has a very long tail. Her tail is about 3 feet long, and looks like Luna mane. She also has big, fluffy, ears, and because of that, she can hear EXTREAMLY well. When she walks, she has little sparkle particles coming off her. Even though she can be kind and caring, she can also be very mishevious. She loves to pull pranks on people, but she is still a very loving Wolf. Her fur is softer than velvet, which helps when the winter comes, because she is very sensitive. She will be anyone's friend, and once you are friends with her, she will act like the sister you never had!

Comment what you Mythical Creature is! I would love to know! I am thinking of choosing one i thought was intresting and putting it in the story if it is ok with you guys! And Victoria and Diamond, tell me what your Mythical Creatures are and I will put it in this book!

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