"Well, the plan is for Cody and Pete to meet Kenji by the building he's guarding. His intel also stated that the objectives are in the building right across from his. These guards are also, very screwed in the head, to the point of...well..." It was hard for Jay to even imagine what goes on in this camp. From kenji's daily reports i seemed to be pretty bad. Ever since Kuromorimine lost to Pravda they didn't hold anything back.

Three days ago....

"Jay, I don't think i can take much more of this...its too..its too much!" Kenji's voice came in through the Video chat.

"Dont you lose your shit on me Kenji. Just wait a about a week." Jay said.

"You dont understand guys, they are literally killing girls here!" He said, on the verge of tears. "I had....i had too...." He started crying. Then he picked up the camera and took it into one of the cells. "Look!" Jay was speechless. He literally had to step away from the computer he was using. He rushed to a bathroom and threw up.

"What...the actual...shit..." He said, wheezing after he had let it out. He came back and saw that the video feed was gone, but he had left a message saying 'have to go Greet our new inmates.' Jay was now worried. The image of a girl that was hung surrounded by more bodies was burned into his head. That night he made a call to the higher up literally begging for the recovery mission to be moved up.

"We'll see." Was the response before he hung up.

Present time...

"Alright, Kenji is waiting outside the building, Pascal and I will go for the objectives." Jay said, pulling a pack of earpieces out of his supply bag.

"Are those?"

"Just like i promised. We get a P1 rescue, I got us earpieces. Make sure you use them wisely." Jay said. They all nodded and got ready to move. Two guards were standing by the entrance. The boys split up and made a wide circle to stay out of their sights. Jay pulled out his knife and snuck up to the left guard. Cody did the same. THe two made eye contact and Jay counted down with his fingers. Then they simultaneously took out the guards, pulling them away from the entry point and shoving their face into the snow before literally stabbing him in the back, right where the heart was and leaving it there until he stopped moving.

"He's gone. Let's move." Jay said. The group split up and headed into the the camp. They had buried the bodies in the snow. They moved undetected through the camp, ducking behind buildings and into gaps.

"300 more meters to go buddy." Jay said quietly. Pascal nodded. They bolted and saw kenji standing outside, but he didn't see them.

"This is it, sounds like something is going down inside though...." Pascal said.

"Jay, come in...we just saw 3 guys head into the building." Cody said. Luckily the earpieces were working, and right as he said that, he could hear the terrified screams of girls coming from the building. He could hear the guys laughing and speaking Japanese.

"Jay lets go." Pascal said. Jay counted down in his head before moving in through the open door. He pulled out his pistol. He clicked the safety off and stood up. They both caught a waft of putrid smells and nearly stumbled back. They continued forward and soon got visual confirmation of the objectives.

"I have visual, getting ready to kill captors." Jay whispered. He walked into the area, gun pointed. "Hello there." The captors turned and were surprised to see two boys in full winter assault camouflage, pointing pistols at them.

"Nice toys, boys and good costumes as well. You came just in time, we were about to teach these girls a lesson..." That last part came out a little weird, that's when Jay caught a glimpse of them, fully uncovered and beat up. Jay's expression turned from anger to fury and he opened fire on the person.

The other guys reached for their guns but were quickly dealt with by Pascal.

"This guy is still alive." Pascal said, shooting the guy Jay shot up in the head. "Very sloppy, even for you." He said, taking off his pack. Jay didn't listen. He carefully covered one of them, who was passed out and bleeding. The other one who was still conscious had a blank stare in her eyes.

"Its ok miss, we're here to help."Pascal said, putting a blanket around her. Jay was already on his way out.

"Lets go Pacman...I've had enough of this place..." Jay said in a deep and brooding tone. Pascal took the other girls hand, leading her out of the building. As Jay was carrying the girl, he began to start crying. He couldn't believe what he had just seen. His tears hit the snowy ground, and he trudged out of the camp, undetected. Just as he stepped off the grounds, sirens rang.

"Jay let's move!" Pascal shouted. Jay instinctively ran towards the forest. He could hear the helicopter landing, he was almost there.

"Get on Quick!" Courtney shouted. Jay climbed on, and placed the girl next to him. Pascal and the other girl, climbed on quickly, followed by Kenji, Cody and Peterson.

"Everyone is here! Take off now!!!!" Jay ordered, almost in a panic. The Helicopter lifted off, taking some small arms fire from some pursuing men shooting at the Helicopter. Jay got on the door gun and mowed down the men shooting at them. Once they were cleared of the airspace, they all got relaxed. What the hell did we just do? Echoed throughout His thoughts.

JayPac High: YukiyukiteWhere stories live. Discover now