The 'Me and You' Part

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   Zoe yelped as her dress ripped right down the center, the fabric now uselessly pooled around her ankles, leaving her standing in the doorframe in nothing but her undergarments. A simple flick of her wrist lead to the door slamming shut as she whirled around on Madison.
   "What the hell?" she demanded.
   Madison smirked, taking a puff from her cigarette. "We need to talk."
   Zoe quirked an eyebrow at the blonde when she sat down on Zoe's bed. Madison rolled her eyes at the girl and patted the mattress.
   "What are you waiting for? An invitation?" the older witch sneered.
   Zoe sighed impatiently, making her way over to the dresser instead.
   "What the hell are you doing?" Madison growled, leaping to her feet.
   "If we're about to have some long conversation, I'd prefer to be clothed," Zoe huffed.
   She wrapped her fingers around the handle of the dresser drawer, but she didn't get any farther than that as Madison stopped her by placing her own hand overtop of the girl's. Zoe turned her head to find the blonde standing right behind her, her clear hazel eyes mere inches from her own.
   "What...?" Zoe swallowed hard, her heart rate increasing at the close proximity of her roommate.
   Madison didn't answer, only took Zoe's hand into her own, entertwining their fingers, and lead her to the bed. With a soft hand on her shoulder and a gentle kiss on her cheek, the blonde moved Zoe onto the mattress.
   Madison turned around.
   "Unzip me," she instructed.
   Zoe, now very perplexed, found herself inexplicably following the order without hesitation.
   Madison stepped out of the dress, then turned back around where and let her eyes wander all over Zoe's body, only partially concealed by her simple white-cloth bra and baby-blue underwear. She couldn't help but smile-- a genuine smile, not a smirk-- noting how different the younger witch's underclothes were to her own matching ebony-and-scarlet lace.
   Madison allowed the girl another second to process the situation before slamming their lips together with enough force that Zoe was now pressed flat against the mattress, her shocked gasp vibrating wonderfully against Madison's tongue.
   The blonde bit the brunette's bottom lip hard enough to make her yelp before running her tongue across it and sucking on it.
   After a few more seconds-- during which time, Madison could legit taste Zoe's absolute confusion (and she found it adorable)-- Madison finally pulled away, looking down into Zoe's gorgeous amber eyes.
   "If we're going to be the stars of a regular threesome, then you have to get better at the 'me and you' part," Madison explained.
   Zoe nodded her understanding.
   "Sorry," she offered. "Before you, I'd never been with a girl."
   Madison waved her off.
   "Don't be a bitch," she said. "So what if it's your first time? You'll get better if you have someone to teach you."
   Zoe blushed, and Madison couldn't stop herself from leaving a trail of wet kisses from the girl's jaw to her earlobe.
   "Lucky for you," Madison breathed in her ear, "I'm the perfect one to teach you."
   Zoe shivered in delight as Madison slid her soft hands down the length of her body, beginning the first lesson.

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