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It's already the middle of the night, and yet, here she is wide awake, and staring at nothing. Thinking, and having flashbacks of the past.

The past, where all she could hear is the cries of pain, cries for help, the sound of screams, pleads, even the sound of force pleasures, but the worst part is the laughter, a cruel and craze laugh that sends shivers down her spine. Sadly, she experienced it, went through it, and she survive it. Yet broken beyond repair.

Sighing, she stood up, her naked body strolling towards her walk-in closet, entering, she wear her black lace underwear, and pull a black v-neck off-shoulder vintage floor length robe from her closet, tying it to her waist, reveling some of her cleavage, her long black hair resting at her bare shoulders. Walking out her closest, Eudora walk out her room, and out the house. Looking up, she saw the clear sky, the moon shining brightly along with the stars. She continues to walk away from her house towards the dark and foggy forest. The forest that looks like it comes out straight from a horror film, yet, she doesn't feel scared.

Her bare feet touch the ground, where dirt and dried leaves cover the detritus along with fallen branches, barks, and stems. She likes to walk in the middle of the night, it become her routine, spending outside the comfort of her house, the fallen leaves and branches doesn't hurt her that much, if anything, she likes the feeling of it, the crunching sound it makes, when she walk. She could hear the faint sound of growls, like it's announcing her arrival, she glance at at one corner of the dark woods, where she found her spot.

She only stay in one particular tree, a large big black tree, it's half dead, nevertheless, it caught her attention, mostly because it's the only tree surrounded by black leaves, making her want to come back there over and over again. Even if she closed her eyes, she could still find it easily.

Once reaching her tree, she sat down underneath it, making some of the falling leaves to fall on her. She didn't mind, though, she doesn't like it either. The sound of crunching dry leaves echo in the silent night, the sound it alway make, when she sat down. And like always, the wolves left its hiding place, behind the many dark trees, growling at her, however, she just sat there, unmoving, unblinking.

When the pack of wolves came near her, they whimper. Walking towards her, their tail tuck under their legs, ears flat on the head. They're surrounding her, circling her and her tree, some even sit on each side of her, even putting their heads on her lap.

She sigh, her hands falling on the wolves on either side of her, petting and caressing them, the two wolves purred softly at her touch.

Suddenly, she felt something shift inside her. Intruder. Her head fussed, the word chanting in her head, like alarm bells, warning her.

She stand up, the wolves around her growls, sensing her distress. In the middle of the night, in the darkness, she can see something stalking towards her, her black and glowing red eyes stare at the hungry feral looking wolves.

Different fur and eyes color, but the same look, a hunger for blood, a craze look in their eyes, teeth snapping with blood dripping from their muzzle.

'A pack of rouge? ' she always thought that a rouge keep to itself, never like to stay in groups or in their case, packs, until now..

'What the hell? ' once again, in her life here on earth, she was confused.

She doesn't have time to react when the pack of rouge attack her pack of wolves. She took a step back and ran.

She ran towards the fight and kill all the blood thirsty rouge that she set her eyes on. Snapping their heads, breaking their spines and pulling their head of off their bodies. She was busy saving one of her wolves when a rouge jump on her back, and bite her on the shoulder. She didn't flinch, she could hardly even felt the bite. Reaching behind her, she grasps the rouge on its neck and snap. Falling to the ground, the rest of the rouge who were fighting with her wolves, run towards her, jumping on her and clinging by bitting and clawing at her back arms and legs.

Her wolves tried to help but the rouge are bigger, and a lot more stronger than them, killing them  in an instant. She fought, wiggling to get them off her, but the rouges bite harder, dig their claws deeper on her skin.

Out of nowhere, a loud and terrifying growl echo in the woods. The wolves froze from the sound giving her the opportunity to escape from the rouges deadly grips. She stand behind her wolves, in front of them are the rouge who turned around looking at the new intruders.

Three men walk in the moonlight, two dark haired and one ash gray hair. Her stance, tall and confident, even if she is covered with her own blood and bites and claws.

The rouges growls before their bodies shake, their bloody fur thinning and become skin, broad bloody snout disappearing replacing them with mouths, their legs bending and twisting, paws disappear and came the hands and feet. Humans, they become humans.

Her mind started to calculate, forming theories and then truth. 'Werewolves, they are werewolves. '

She's shocked, but her facial expression said otherwise.

"How dare you intrude my territory! " Her voice powerfull, strong and cold.

"We deeply apologize for this, Madame, but we came here to fetch this rouges. Again sorry for intruding. " The ash gray hair and hazel green eyes man said, looking at her in a silent challenge. Daring her to say otherwise.

Her black eye narrow into slit, and her red eye glow brighter. Her bloody black hair shining from the moonlight, making her look all the more terrifying. The rouges took a step back and stop, realizing that they are moving towards their doom.

"You think you can just leave like that? " Her voice became more robotic, almost incoherent. Her head tilted slightly.

The man with black hair and green eyes spoke, "What do you want in exchange for us to leave? " He said, almost like he could care less.

She raised her arm and pointed her finger towards the man with a black hair and blue eyes, who's already looking at her intently.

"Him. I want him, and in return, the rest of you can leave. "

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