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I'm 2 weeks clean, I'm better. Not better. But you know.

Finn sat with his feet lifted against the wall. "Well open up your mind and see like me, open up your plains and damn you're free."  He hummed the rest of the song.

He was really happy today.
For the first time in a long time he was happy.

It wasn't a complete happiness.

But it was still happy.

He was excited. He agreed to go out with his friends tonight.

He was nervous to say yes incase something happened. But they all begged him.

"Hey Finn,"

Finn looked up and saw Jaeden, Wyatt, and Jack.

He smiled and stood up, "Hey."

Jack and Wyatt looked over at Y/n, "Any idea of when she'll wake up?"

They knew to keep the conversation about Y/n light around Finn. Never use anything that could be taken as if she wasn't going to wake up.

Finn looked over at Y/n and played with her hair, "No, not yet, but she'll be okay. She's strong." 

days||f.w x reader [COMPLETED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin