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The hot water fell down hitting Finns hair and running down his face. His hair completely soaked laying flat from the water. He didn't move for minutes. He just let the water run. Keeping his eyes closed so he wouldn't see the blood washing down off his hands and neck.

His girlfriends blood.

His girlfriend who's in surgery.

His girlfriend who hates him.

He choked back tears as the thoughts came rushing in.

She hates him. The last thing she said before the accident was "What the fuck is wrong with you Finn?!" What if that's all he is left with?

What if she never says anything to him again?

What if that was it.

The water was warm, but he felt cold. Finn was so cold. He was empty. His heart hurt.

He is hurt and he can't even talk to the person he cares the most about.

He is so hurt.

What if he loses her?

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