childhood friend 💙

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Sweet Pea let out a grunt as he placed his shot glass on the bar counter. Toni shot him a knowing look before taking the small glass and cleaning it. It was that day of the year.

“It’s gettin’ late,” Toni said, gesturing towards the clock that hung on the wall in the Whyte Wyrm. Sweet Pea let out another grunt. He had no wish to leave, or anywhere he wanted to go. Home wasn’t really home to him after she had left.

“It’s like ten, Topaz, the night’s still young.” Toni let out a slightly concerned sigh and went back to cleaning dishes. Sweet Pea’s eyes fell to his hands that rested against the counter as he faded in and out of conscious thought. Toni glanced over at her tall friend and furrowed her brow. She knew why he was acting like this, but she wished he wouldn’t be so despondent when this time of year rolled around.

“Hey,” Toni said, setting her newly cleaned glass down, “she wouldn’t want you to be like this. You know that,” Sweet Pea stared at her then.

“It’s not like she’s dead or something,” he said, melancholy dripping off his tone.

“You’re acting like she is. It’s been, what, four years since Y/N left? Every time the day she moved away comes around you look like a kicked puppy.” Sweet Pea shook his head at Toni’s tone. He knew she was right.

“I’m fine, Topaz, really. Y/N, she…” He trailed off. He hadn’t heard from her since the day she left. He had been walking, running to her old house, rushing to say a goodbye. He hadn’t made it in time, because as he arrived, all he saw was her eyes staring at him from the back of her family car’s window.

“Alright, why don’t you wait outside and I’ll drive you home? I’ll just be a little bit longer,” Toni said when she realized Sweet Pea had gotten lost in thought of his old friend.

“Y-Yeah, fine, ok,” Sweet Pea said, standing from the bar stool. He didn’t remember how much he drank but he felt like it wasn’t a lot. So when he stumbled a little when he stood, Sweet Pea felt his ears burn with embarrassment.

As he stood under the bar light, the small band on stage started up a different tune. It was soft, somber, matching his mood. The lyrics were cheesy, going on and on about letting yourself go and living in the moment. Sweet Pea rolled his eyes and leaned against the countertop.

As the music picked up, Sweet Pea heard the heavy wooden doors of the Whyte Wyrm open. Waiting for the slamming sound, he glanced over at the door and felt like that maybe he had drunk far more than he remembered.

There she was. Like a ghost, wearing a white dress that made her stand out amongst the black leather jackets of the Serpents that slithered in the bar. Y/N L/N. Sweet Pea almost didn’t recognize her, but he could have never forgotten her face.

She was gorgeous, eye catching as she walked over to a group of familiar faces. Some Serpents she had known welcomed her back, marveling at how she had grown.

“Is that,” Toni started, pointing over at Y/N. Sweet Pea merely nodded. As the two watched their childhood friend reuniting with other friends, Sweet Pea and Toni watched as Y/N threw her head back and let out a joyous laugh. Her laugh was like a familiar song, one that Sweet Pea had played over and over until the thought of it made him sick. He had missed her laugh. He had missed her.

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