request for Sophia💛

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Your pregnant and you go out to dinner with him. Your feet hurt so he gives you his shoes.

Sophia didn't really know why she put on the high heels when she was 6 months pregnant. Normally she is laying down on her couch watching reality TV with fuzzy socks.

Sweet Pea wanted to treat her out. After all he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Sophia. He couldn't be more happier with her and his child on the way. The serpent was seeing good and hope in the world.

Sophia looks in the mirror. She wore a loose dress that was a nude color and black heels that if you just look at them you get back problems.

Slideing on the heels she winced. Maybe I should change my shoes. She thought. But she decided against it, she liked being slightly tall for once.

When Sweet Pea opened the door for them to walk to his car (Yes, he finnaly bought one) he looked down at her heels.

"Just looking at those heels are giving me back problems," He laughs and walks out the door with her.

"Oh, hush," Sophia smiles up at him.

When they arrive to the restaurant she was dieing of pain. Her feet felt like they were gonna break at any moment.

Sweet Pea could sense her discomfort. He rests his hand on hers.

"You okay, Baby?" He asks

"My feet are killing me." Sophia groans

"Well, you can have my shoes," He suggests

She laughs at the absurd idea. His wouldn't even fit her.

"im serious babe," He deadpanned at her.

She looks at him and takes the offer. He gives her his shoes and she walks around in them. She thought 'gosh, I look like a clown at the circus,'

"At least there more compfy than those ones you were wearing," Sweet Pea laughs

When they get home Sweets kisses her. "Thanks for the shoes, love," Sophia says while Sweets rubs her feet, and then kisses her stomach holding there own, personal miracle.

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