your first date pt. 2🤔

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With your love, your love, I'm a better better man. Darling all my wrongs led me right to you.
Wrapped in your arms I swear I'd die for your love.

Your arms wrap around Sweet Pea's waist as he drives away and closer to the mystery location. You get a little scared so you grip harder on his waist and lay your head on his back. You can hear him chuckle.

Finnaly his bike pulls into Pops diner. You get off and smile at him.

"Pops eh?" You tease

"What? You don't like Pops?" He laughs

"Well, I didn't think you knew what's Pops was, since you live on the Southside and all," You say looking at him with a smile. He takes your hand and leads you inside

"Well babe, I know what pops is because I came here for a little argument with a certain red headed dick," he laughs sitting us at a booth

"Archie? Yeah he is kinda a dick," You laugh noding your head. You meet his eyes and he stares at you.

"It's fucking hot as hell when you curse. It's hot when you don't either. There's not a damn thing you can do wrong." He laughs to himself

You blush and look away. You order your food and laugh at each other.

"Wanna know something funny," you start "your a real asshole to most people. Yet right now I haven't met a sweeter guy than you,"

"Don't tell your friends," he jokes throwing a fry at you

"What friends?" You meant to joke but it got too real. It was true. You had two friends. Cheryl and Toni.

"Aww baby, as long as you have real friends it doesn't matter how many." He then lifts your hand and kisses your knuckles.

You smiled at him with admiration. He was moody, cocky, and an asshole. But to you he was sweet, caring and loving. Sure he could be a dick to you but the way he makes up for it makes you want him to be a dick to you.

"I really like you," You confess looking down scared to see his reaction.

"Well baby, I'm obsessed with you, beat that." He smirks licking his lips

You giggle and blush. "Wanna take a walk outside?" You ask

"Love too," He says putting money down before your could protest he grabs your hand and you walk outside. On your way out you notice Archie, Jughead, Veronica, and Betty all siting in a booth. And they were watching you guys.

When yours eyes met them they all looked at you as if you grown two heads.

You guys are strolling along in the grass. Hand in hand.

The moon was out shining on you. It was a perfect moment. You both stop.

"Let's sit." You say then lay down on the grass.

He chuckles and lays with you. You cuddle into him and look at the stars. You look at him to find him already looking at you.

"What?" You whisper softly

His rough calloused hand softly caresses your cheek. You both stare at each other not breaking eye contact.

"Your beautiful," He says softly and you give a shy smile.

He leans in and his lips meet yours. He kisses you slowly and then he shifts himself so he is hovering over you.

Your kiss gets a little more heated as yours hands go up in his hair. Before it could get too intense you stop him.

You break away panting. "Sorry, I didn't want it to get too far. Because we are outside in public eye." You say shyly

"It's okay princess," He chuckles kissing your temple

You walk back to his bike to find the jocks of your school hanging outside. You frown because they are really mean people.

Sweet Pea hands you the helmet and helps you on his bike.

"Aw, little short stack of fat and the snake. What a duo," A jock says laughing at you

"Alright, you bulldogs already get on my nerves, you don't want start anything with me. Especially not with my girl right here," Sweet Pea growls at them

"Your girl? Serpents move to school and think they can steal what's ours," Reggie says glareing at him

The bulldogs start getting closer and Sweet Pea stands there unfaised by the intimidation.

"Look buddy, if I were you I'd pay more of a closer look to my surroundings." Sweet Pea growls out gesturing to the gang of Serpents in the parking lot. You hadn't even noticed them

"Fine, but if I see you again-" Reggie starts

"NO. If I see you again. Your gonna wish you never met me. You dont threaten me or y/n. And if I even see you within 10 feet of her, let's just say there's gonna be hell to pay," Sweet Pea yells at them then gets on the bike with you on it and drives away.

You turn around to see the Bulldogs looking scared shitless.


You finally made it home. You invited Sweets up stairs.

"You really should prepair my room is a mess," you smile at him. He looks down at you with a smirk.

"Trying to get me in your bed so fast. Only the first date babe," he jokes

You shake your head laughing and open the door. He walks in and observes.

He sits on your bed and pats the spot next to him. You shyly sit next to him.

"Your perfect, you know that?" He asks caressing your cheek

"You are too," you say. His fingers lift your chin up so you meet his eyes.

He leans in and kisses you softly.

Next chapter will be first make out session. :P

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