C2: The Bargain

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Looking to Barnabas, the old sailor knew he was being asked to leave. With a gesture to the crew, who's eyes were still on the big black wolf that hung around the girls legs, they left, leaving Kassandra and Eos alone.

"If you are who you say you are" Kassandra asked, she circled round slightly, "What stops me from killing you".

She'd heard rumours that her brother wasn't the only child to be taken by the cult, that there had been more who had suffered at their hands but, if she really was one of them, what made her in anyway more stable than her brother, what made this no more than a sick trick.

The men at their feet?

The cult didn't much care for its foot soldiers.

"Trying to kill me" Eos corrected, putting a finger up. The wolf snarled at Kassandra, almost as if it was he who would stop her, but Kassandra had smiled at him. Lycaon or not, he'd have the same soft spot under his belly like any other wolf.

"I've slain the Kalydonian boar, I can slay you too" the wolf snapped it's teeth as Eos leaned back on the balcony,

"I can fight my own battles" she rubbed at the wolfs ear, "He's just a little scary" the creature snapped his head back at her, giving her a snarl before he sloped off, disappearing in to the dark.

Except, he didn't. It looked as if he had vanished in to the night, but Kassandra could still see him. He stood there, his beady yellow eyes had grew dim, blending in to the dark; waiting, staring at the both of them – thinking – and then, with a swish of his tail; as if he'd decided they weren't worth it, he retreated around the corner and out-of-sight,

"You should never offend a lycaon" Eos said, she'd been watching him with her, "He'll be upset for about a week", she crossed her arms,

"How did you even come across one" Kassandra asked - fearless and terrible, that's what a lycaon was. Not some familiar who trotted around after you.

"When I was younger, I found a wolf cub" Eos tilted her head, "It was half-dead when we found it" she smiled, "Eventually, it turned in to that" she nodded to the corner, she knew that however upset he was, he wouldn't be far from ear-shot. Damn thing was too nosey.

"I thought lycaons were once men" Kassandra said. That was how the story went. An old king had wanted to test Zeus divinity by serving him a slaughtered child; in return, Zeus had transformed him and his sons in to wolves.

"Me too" Eos shrugged, "Until a oracle told me that it was a lycaon that followed me around and not a pet wolf" Kassandra glanced over at her, and Eos smiled, still watching the spot where the creature had been, "She told me I was doomed too, but that was after I stuck my dagger in her" she gestured the action as if it was as simple as sticking a pig with a butchers knife. Kassandra froze. Eos looked to her, "Come on Kassandra, you know as much as I do that the cult can't have the oracles sprouting 'nonsense'".

Kassandra remembered who she was talking to then,

"What is it you want Eos" Kassandra held up the fragment "What is this exactly",

"An offering of sorts" Eos said, "Of our... mutual cooperation",

"And why do you think I'd want to cooperate with you" Kassandra asked, she sat back on the balcony, crossing her arms as if welcoming the girl to try her,

"Because I have... inside information" Eos said, she took a step forward, looking down at one of the dead men, "About the cult. About your brother" Kassandra stood up,

"What do you know about Alexios" she said, she had her hand on her spear, Eos put her hands up, not having to turn to hear her nails scrape across the metal.

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