"Hey, Allyson. How's your summer?"

"Hey, Ally. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Hey, Allyson. What class are you going to?"

And they just keep coming.

3rd period

I walked in class with Diana and noticed a new kid. We both looked at each other and gave each other a ' what should we do look'. Then, the school's slut, Veronica, walked up to him twirling her blond bleached hair.

"Hey, handsome. What's your name?" She said in a high pitched voice.

He looked at her disgustedly. "Um...Drake?"

Diana and I looked at each other and knew what to do. We walked up to them and said, " Oh there you are Drake! We were looking everywhere for you!"

Drake looked at us confusedly. Then he noticed what we were doing." Oh my bad. I didn't mean to leave you guys behind. "

Veronica looked at us then scoffed away. Once Veronica left, we looked at each other and started laughing like we were on drugs.

"Hi, I'm Allyson and this is my best-friend Diana."

"Well, you already know my name is Drake, but hey anyway."

"So, do you need help getting a tour around our school?" Diana grinned.

"Yeah, I do. You two are the only ones so far not trying to hit on me. You two are not  trying are you?"

Diana looked at me and I looked at her. Then we both looked at Drake like he just grew another head. "Sorry, but Diana likes someone else and I'm not looking for a relationship, yet."

"Thank the heaven stars."

Diana and I looked at each other with a confused face.

"Why?" I asked still looking lost.

"How would you feel if I said that I am gay?" Drake shyly looked.

"I always wanted to have a gay best friend! Woo, we're going to have so much fun!" I jumped excitedly.

"Calm down Mrs. Crazy." Diana laughs at me.

"Your just jealous that I will be his best-friend number one and your number two." I grinned like crazy.

We all started laughing at our bickering selves.

"I think I just made two new best-friend. You two are one of a kind."

"We are special inside and out." Diana laughs.


"Okay, class the bring rang. So let's start class. I am Mrs. Aris, your WHAP, World History AP, teacher." Mrs. Aris intruded. "Today, we will just be introducing ourselves and that will be it."

"I think I already like this class and teacher," I whispered.



"Okay, class that was our lunch bell for b-lunch. Enjoy your lunch."

Everybody started to walk faster so they can get in line first but we all know that we wouldn't because we're upstairs. I grabbed Drake and Diana's hand and slightly ran to the cafeteria.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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