Chapter 14

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Jenna and I reach my house.

Jay is siting on the couch with his cheese puffs watching The Office.

I tried not to let him see me. But too late.

"What's wrong?" Jay asked getting up.

"Nothing." I said starting to walk away.

He looked at Jenna and she mouthed "Drew".

He still looked confused.

"Delilah come here." Jay said acting like my father.

"What?!" I said turning around.

"What happened with you and Drew." He said concerned.

"He broke up with me. Kissed Brittany in front of me then told me to stop crying it was pretty great." I said laughing because I'm so irritated.

"Come here." He says opening his arms.

I walk into him and give him a hug.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" He said.

" No I don't want to get you involved." I said smiling sadly.

"If it involves you then I'm involved." He said mocking my smile.

"I don't want it to ruin your friendship." I said.

"I don't care. Your more important." He said hugging me again.

"Awe." Jenna said eating Jay's cheese puffs.

Jay turns around and screams,

"Get away from my cheese puffs."

She puts one more in her mouth.

Jay starts running towards her. She gets up and runs. He's chasing her round the house.
I'm laughing so hard.

He finally gets her and pushes her on the couch.

"Don't eat or touch my cheese puffs again." He says seriously.

Jenna starts laughing uncontrollably.
"I'm going to get a shower"I said.

They both said "okay".

I walked upstairs into my room. It's nice since my bathroom is connected to my room.

I got in my bathroom and started playing sad music.

I got out,  wrapped a towel around my hair and my body and walked in my room.

I changed into a black cami with a cute bralette under it and my gray booty shorts.

I grab my brush and stand at my mirror and brush my hair and the song "no tears left to cry" by Ariana Grande comes on and I'm literally dancing all around my room singing in my brush.

I turned and looked out my window and there's Drew standing there watching me. I stop and just stare.

I look at him and he's eyes look worse then mine. Well maybe you shouldn't have broke up with me then you wouldn't have this problem.

So me being me. I close the curtains so he can't see in. And continue dancing to this song.

Once the song is over I walk downstairs and Jay and Jenna are passed out on the couch.

I went and got them some blankets and I walked upstairs to my room.

I got a text.

It's from Drew.

"I'm really sorry I didn't plan on hurting your feelings. Can we at least me friends?! I miss talking to you and just you in general."

Really.....He was just yelling at me a minute ago.

"No." I text back.

I know I'm being mean but I don't care.

I think I'm going to quit the surf shop. I can't work there everyday seeing Drew.

Sunday was okay I didn't leave the house at all Jenna left early in the morning. Jay and I played Fortnite all day.

Anyway it's Monday which means I have to face Drew. Fun.

I tried to look cute today. I'm wearing a white turtleneck that's tight fitting that's tucked into my grey plaid mini skirt. Lets just say I look good. My hair is pulled back in a high ponytail with a black scrunchy. My makeup looks killer.

I get in my Ranger Rover and was about to back out when Jenna hops in the car. 

"Thought I'd ride with you today. She said smiling.

I smiled back.

"You look cute." Jenna said.

"Thanks. I'm trying to look hot." I said backing out of the driveway.

We arrive at school and I walk into the building. I walk into the cafe to sit with the table until the bell rings.

Jenna and I walked over to the table and Max, Drew's other best friend comes over and talks to me.

"You look hot." Max says staring at me up and down.

"So I don't look hot everyday?" I said laughing.

"You do look hot everyday." He said blushing.

"Thanks." I said.

"Come sit with me." He said pointing to the spot next to him.

Max looks just like Drew but has darker hair then Drew.

He's the teams running back.

I went to Homecoming with him last year.

Anyway I walk over and talk to him. He's so sweet.

The bell rings and he says,

"How about I walk you to class?" He said smiling.

I look at Jenna and she's giving me a thumbs up.

"Okay" I said smiling.

I walk to my locker and Max is leaned up against the locker next to me. Still complimenting me. Which is making me blush.

He was saying something about my eyes when Drew walks past. And literally stops and stares.

He looks terrible his eyes are all red and puffy.

Max notices me staring and says,

"I wonder what his problem his."

I guess nobody knows?!

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