<1> In the Beginning

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Normal POV

"Hello, my name is Bruce Wayne. And I'd like to take you in." The crying Dick Grayson looked up at the billionaire. He had just lost his beloved parents.

Dick whimpered in response and wrapped his arms around the man and cried. Bruce tensed under the sudden contact, but soon started to comfort the boy.

"Mr. Wayne." Ring Master Haley said quietly, but loud enough to grab the billionaire's attention. Bruce look towards the man. The Ring Leader also had tears on his cheeks, and looked just as sad as the boy.

"Are you capable of taking good care of Richard?" He asked. Bruce looked between the boy and the man, before making his decision.

"Yes. I will take care of Richard to my best ability. And I have Alfred, my Butler/Grandfather to help me." Bruce confirmed. Mr. Haley looked sad to see boy go, but allowed Bruce to take him.

Mr. Haley bent down towards Dick so he could see him face to face. Dick's sad, wet, eyes met the ringleader'a. "Dick this nice man is going to take you home with him. We'll see each other again. Remember I love you and everyone in the circus does too." Haley choked on a sob as he grabbed the young boy and pulled him into a hug.

Dick cried on the man's shoulder for a while before finally letting go. He looked towards Bruce and wiped away some tears.

"H-Hello Mr. Wayne." Bruce smiled down at the boy, making his first impression a friendly one. Bruce grabbed the Dick's handed gently and guided him to his car. Dick hopped in and Bruce went to his old trailer. Grabbing a picture of all the Graysons, some clothes, and a small stuffed purple elephant. He grabbed a bag that was sitting on the counter and put the objects inside. He went back to the limo to find Alfred and Dick having a small conversation.

"Ready to go Master Bruce?" Alfred asked. Bruce nodded sitting in the back next to Dick. Placing the bag in the passenger seat. They drove home silently, besides the few sniffles that came from Dick.

When they arrived at the mansion, Bruce showed Dick to a spare room across from Bruce's, which would soon be his. Bruce gave the boy some pajamas which were a little to big for him, to change in to, and Bruce put Dick to bed. But before Bruce could leave the room the 8 year old called out to him.

"C-Can you, Can you stay. . .please." He whimpered. And Bruce couldn't resist it. So he smiled and said yes and climbed into bed with him. Bruce held the boy to his chest, allowing the child to fall asleep listening to his heartbeat. Slowly falling asleep himself.

This is a Time skip I have named Carl
Normal POV

The next morning Bruce woke up to the rise of the sun. Temporarily forgetting he had adopted a child the night prior. Then he looked down at the boy's sleeping figure and smiled. Proceeding to slowly crawling out of the bed as not to wake him.

     Bruce walked downstairs to find Alfred preparing breakfast. "Good Morning Master Bruce." Alfred greeted warmly, placing a plate of food in front of the man.

     "Good morning and thank you Alfred." Bruce responded, beginning to eat. Then small footsteps were heard from the stairs and Dick come stumbling down.

"G-Good Morning." He said before sitting down at a chair near Bruce.

"Good morning Richard." Alfred said to the boy, placing some food in front of him too.

"Please call my Dick, it's my nickname." Dick said quietly. Bruce almost laughed at the name, but didn't.

"Ok, Dick." Bruce said, taking another bite of his food. Dick doing the same.

The day went on as a normal Day. Bruce got to know Dick some more. And Dick started to like Bruce more. And after a 2 months, Dick got better. Bruce even showed him that he was Batman and allowed Dick to become Robin. But after and a year, when dick was around 10, he started to change. It worried Bruce so he took the boy to a therapist.

-After the Therapy-

Dick had left the room allowing the two adults to talk.

"So you slowly saw changes in Dick's mood?" The therapist said. Bruce nodded. "Well after I talked to him, I noticed he's almost robotic."

"Yah that's what I mean. He used to make some jokes. Now he doesn't even frown or smile. He always straight faced." The therapist wrote something down before turning back to Bruce. A sad look in her eyes.

"I'm sorry to say this Mr. Wayne, but I believe Dick has a mental disorder where he doesn't have any emotions. At all. After traumatic experiences victims can go into shock. Well sometimes shock screws up stuff in the brain. And the section of the brain which controls ones emotions shuts down. And I'm also sorry to say there is not cure. Sometimes emotions in patients come back, but sometimes they don't. (I am not a Doctor. I just said that for the point if the story)"

Bruce was the one in shock now. The kid he had come to really like. The one who made jokes, and was very loving. That's kids emotions were gone.

     "Is there." Bruce cleared his throat, "is there anything I can do?"

     "This disorder is so rare there truly is nothing on it. Just try and continue to show him love. Let him be around people who use their emotions a lot." That was all the therapist had to say.

     Bruce thanked her and walked out of the office. Going to Dick, hugging him, then going back to the car. He explained what the lady had said, and Dick sat there straight faced. If only Bruce new how often he'd be seeing that face.

Hiya, I'm Supergirl406! And look I made another story. I feel like this one is going to be a fun one to write. Also Dick, knows Wally and Roy and they had that brotherly friendship before Dick went cold shoulder. The next Chap will be the day the YJ team was formed. Okey Doki that's all.

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