Luke wasn't there.

And he didn't know why.

The little never wanted to be away from him. He never wanted to just sleep in Calum and Michaels room. He always needed his daddy, especially at night. When he was sleepy, he regressed. Now, here Ashton is, feeling that familiar burn in his gut when he thinks about someone else touching and taking care eof his baby.

It made him really angry and jealous.

The man had been pacing in his hotel room for an hour, his button up ( three buttons unbuttoned at the top ) and jeans still on. The only thing new was the cup of whiskey in his hand.

He sipped on it anxiously and tapped his fingers against the side, his hazel eyes threatening to cry.

What the fuck did he do?

Ashton never gets emotional. But, when something like this happens and Luke just completely ignores him, he knows something is wrong.

Was it that he made Luke go to the party?

Was it when he yelled at Calum for cuddling him in the car?

What was it?

" Fuck." He muttered, taking another long sip of the golden liquid. He then placed it down and ran his hands through his hair. He's not going to make through the Meet You There tour if this continues. God, this is bad.

" Fuck!" He crused in a hushed annoyed voice. He grabbed his leather jacket and his phone before he left the room, trying his best not to slam the door. He walked down the hall and stopped when he saw a tall wavy blonde just turn the corner.

He raised his eyebrows before his feet forced themselves to move as his daddy instinct kicked in. He tried his best not to get panicked, it could possibly not be him..

But he's kinda hoping it is.

He made his way around the corner and stopped in his tracks when he saw that it wasn't Luke and it wasn't someone he was hoping to see.

Instead of Luke, it was the girl that he was snogging at the party..


" Are you following me?" She asked, suddenly seeing Ashton standing there. He bit on his lip and shook his head, " No, sorry. I thought you were someone else." He says before turning around. He began to walk away when he heard her heels click behind him he rolled his eyes and turned back around when he heard her say wait!

" Is there something special you would like say? If not I'd rather be walking away then to listen." He says as he faced her. She stopped and bit on her lip, flattening down her white skirt.

Luke would look good in that.

" I'm sorry about earlier, you know.. At the party. I saw how that guy looked at us- that's why i stopped. I just wanted you let you know that even if you did want to carry on with what ever happened, I would slap you silly." She laughed lightly.

He stood there and sighed softly..

They were in the corner together, kissing by the drink table. Ashton would pull away and tell her sweet things, making her giggle and flirt back.

LUKE HEMMINGS IS A BRAT! -🍼- Lashton ( Ddlb/Smut ) Where stories live. Discover now