Phone Call

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The losers were eating upstairs, because they didn't eat at the restaurant. Bill wanted to wake up Eddie to get him to eat, but Mike told him to let them rest. They all ate, trying to comprehend what had happened, Stan asked, "How did Wentworth know we were going to be there?" Ben set down his fork, "Stan, I don't think that matters, I don't even think he knew we were going to be there." Stan just nodded, and they continued to eat. Everyone was feeling different after tonight, worried, scared, confused, everything; but they couldn't imagine being in Richie's spot right now.

They finished eating, and settled down for the night, on the couches downstairs. Mike and Stan took one of the couches, each of their heads on one of the arm rests, legs tangled together. Ben and Bev cuddled on the other couch, and Bill went home. Bill didn't feel good, he was catching the flu from his mom, so he went home to rest. They all fell asleep early and slept in peace.

It was 5:00 AM, it was cloudy, and Mike's basement was slightly grey with the sun barely shining through the little windows at the top of the wall. Mike was the first to wake up, and saw Stan had moved in the middle of the night, and was spooning Mike. Mike didn't want to move, so he tried to fall back asleep, since it was 5:00 AM. He ended up not being able to fall asleep and laid there for a good 15 minutes, then gave up. He slowly pulled out of Stan's grip, not to wake him. Eddie can basically pull out of Richie's grip while he's sleeping, because Richie is the heaviest sleeper. When they all went to a resort a few hours away from Derry, Richie fell asleep on one of the lawn chairs by the pool. The losers, (mostly Stan) thought it would be funny to put Richie on those lay-down floatys you see grandmas use in the pool. They put him on the floaty and pushed him right on the water. Eddie was in the bathroom when they did this to Richie. Of course Eddie wasn't approving of it, and went out and saved Richie, who slept through it all. Funny thing is, Richie still doesn't know about that, and Stan and the rest of the losers still laugh about it, (except for Eddie, he didn't find it funny.)

Mike got up and went upstairs to see what his old man was up to in the barn, to see if he needed any help. Mike walked outside on the damp grass, it rained last night, the smell of morning dew was in the air, and Mike loved it. He walked in, to the smell of animal, and hay, and said in a morning voice, "Need any help, Pops?" Mike's grandpa turned around slowly, "Hey Mike, no I don't." Mike smiled and nodded, "Okay." and he began to walk out, when his grandpa stopped him, "Mike." He turned around again, "Yeah?" "You're a good kid." He smiled, and wiped his hands on the rag slung around his arm. Mike smiled back, "Thanks Pops." His grandpa nodded and turned back to go do whatever he was doing, and Mike went back to the house, into the basement with his friends.

When Mike got back down, Bev was awake, running her fingers through Ben's hair. Mike went back to his couch with Stan, not saying a word to Bev. Mike tried to fall back asleep again, but couldn't, so he just rested.

Ben woke up next, followed by Stan, then Eddie. The losers were upstairs making breakfast, as Eddie stayed downstairs with a sleeping Richie. He was happy he was up before Richie, incase something happened. He dug his face into Richie's hair, and kissed the top of his head. He leaned slightly, and whispered into Richie's ear, "I love you, Chee." He knew Richie couldn't hear him, but he didn't care, he needed to let Richie know he is loved, in a time like this, conscious or unconscious.

25 minutes later, Richie stretched in Eddie's arms, and sighed. The stretch was shaky and weak. His eyes fluttered, and he looked up at Eddie with his dark chocolate eyes, and smiled lightly. His morning face was so cute to Eddie, he just wanted to pinch his cheeks and kiss him. Eddie looked him back into his eyes, and blushed. He hugged Richie, his head on Eddie's chest. Eddie squeezed Richie's torso tighter to his, and massaged Richie's thigh curled up on Eddie's waist. Richie looked back up to Eddie, and choked out, "Morning, Ed's." in his, "Down South" accent. He didn't say good morning before, he was too tired. Eddie brushed Richie's hair out of his face, "Morning, Chee." Eddie smiled, super happy Richie wasn't already crying, he wanted Richie to be happy, so so bad. Richie put his hand on Eddie's cheek, "I love you." Eddie blushed, "I love you more, how did you sleep?" Richie stretched, "Amazing." Eddie smiled, "The losers are making breakfast do you want anything?" Richie's smile didn't have as much energy anymore. "I'm not hungry." Eddie rubbed his back, " have to at least take your pill." He pulled off of Eddie's chest, "Right." he nodded, reassuring himself. Eddie had everything on the end-table behind the head rest, and also had a glass of water that Bev brought down. Eddie grabbed a pill out of the orange bottle, and grabbed the water. He handed the pill over to Richie, and let him pop it in his mouth. Eddie cupped Richie's chin and gave him the water. Eddie put the water back down, and Richie was coughing. Richie has never been good at taking pills, and he has a really bad gag reflex, that's why Eddie has to help him with the water and making sure he's drinking enough, because if Richie did it by himself he would drink enough and choke. Richie's kinda a klutz, can't walk up the stairs without tripping, can't walk without tripping, can't try and look cool because he'd probably trip. Eddie adores that though, Eddie adores everything Richie does.

Eddie didn't eat either, he wasn't hungry. Instead, him and Richie just laid on the couch, letting Richie recover. Richie wasn't going to bring up what happened last night, either was Eddie. The losers came back downstairs and Bev clapped her hands again, "Attention! We are having a movie marathon because it's shitty outside! Yay." She sat down on the couch and put her feet on the coffee table. Stan, Mike and Ben went over to the movie rack to pick out some movies. Richie said in a raspy voice, "You know, you'd be a really shitty announcer. You can't end it with an unenthusiastic, yay." Bev scoffed, "Don't tell me how to live my life." "Bitch, I'm not telling you how to live your life, I'm telling you how to live it better, dumbass." "Fuck you." Richie acted surprised, even though him and Bev joke around like this literally all the time, "There are 3 ways to live life, the wrong way, the right way, and the Richie way." "Isn't the Richie way the wrong way?" "Yeah, but it's faster." Bev snorted, "I'm leaving."

Richie looked back at his lover, Eddie, laughing his ass off at the conversation him and Bev just had. Richie put his chin on Eddie's chest, and looked at him with pure love. He analyzed Eddie's neatly placed freckles on his cheeks and nose, and Richie wanted to kiss every single one. Richie said, "You know I love you right." Eddie snorted, "I know." "No, seriously, I love you." "I love you too, Bubba." Eddie loved knowing Richie was having a good time, he needed it so bad. Eddie is going to do whatever it took for Richie to be happy, he loves him more than anything, he would do anything for him, same thing with Richie. If Richie didn't have Eddie, they would be a wreck.

The rest of the losers came back with popcorn, a stack of movies, and drinks. Today was going to be a, "Chillax day." Chillax days are what the losers do when it's storming out, and they are all together. It doesn't happen very often, but it's Eddie's favourite day. They call them chillax days because Richie had this day where he was trying to combine words, for god knows what reason. He ended up combining, "Chill" and, "Relax." It ended up becoming a tradition.

Richie was laying on his back in between Eddie's legs, so Eddie could play with his hair. Richie didn't want his hair played with, Eddie wanted to play with Richie's hair. It's not like Richie hates it, he just didn't care for it at the time you know. Richie actually loves when Eddie plays with his hair, and Eddie loves when Richie lets him.

They were halfway through their first movie, when Mike's wall phone started ringing. He got up and answered it, "Hello?" the person on the other line answered. "Who is this?" Mike asked into the phone, and he paused for a good 7 seconds, and the happy look on his face, immediately turned to a scared look. Richie noticed and said, "Who is it, Mike?" Mike looked at him with scared eyes,
"It's Maggie."

(also at the end i was gonna put "it's your mom." but i ended up making myself laugh to hard so i didn't)

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