That Night

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a/n: yes, i know Richie's parents aren't abusive, i have read the book but this is just for the story :) again, i know his parents aren't abusive and are very cool and supportive.

Richie was sitting alone on his bed, the blue comforter ruffled with every move he made. His mom always wanted to buy the most expensive sheets and shit. He had his comic book buried into his midsection, him chuckling every couple minutes. It was 1 am and his parents were downstairs, obviously very drunk. He heard his dad's voice from downstairs call, "RICHIE!" Richie rolled his eyes and shivered a bit in his floral shirt. He slowly got downstairs and met his dad at the end of the hall. In the softest voice ever he said, "Yeah?" His dad took another shot from the Vodka bottle, "Why the hell are you awake?" Richie flinched, yeah he was "tough" but he was also a sensitive little boy with black curly hair and bug glasses. "I..don't..know." His dad threw his hands up and exclaimed, "FUCKING SAY SOMETHING!" Richie flinched as the bottle hit him in the face, making a cut on his lip and his glasses half off. Richie leaned over and had his face in his hands, crying. His dad screamed, "LOOK AT ME YOU FUCKING PUSSY." Richie raised his head out of his hands and looked at his dad with his amber brown eyes in shock, anger, hope, fear. His dad screamed "GET OUT!" Richie flinched as blood dripped in his hands, as he ran for the door and grabbing his slip-on's when he left. He ran, holding his lip, forgetting about his glasses basically falling off his face. He ran to Eddie's house, and caught his breath in front of Eddie's house. It was 1:30 am, no way would Eddie be awake. But of course, Eddie lie awake in his bed thinking about his friends, mostly Richie. Richie somehow had enough strength to hop Eddie's fence. Of course Richie would go to Eddie for something like this. Eddie always knew how to talk to him. Richie crawled on the shingles and crawled through Eddie's window and immediately collapsed to his knees, his black hair covering his face. Eddie jumped up and pulled Richie into his arms, into a hug. Richie was crying into Eddie's shoulder. He knew what happened, but still said, "Richie are you okay?" in a shaken voice. Eddie took Richie's face in his hands and fixed his glasses. Richie choked out, "Dad is drunk again. Can I stay over?" Richie looked at him hopefully and Eddie stared into his eyes, "Of course." He pulled Richie closer and tighter as Richie's head was buried in his chest. The TV was playing Friends in the back. Eddie said, "Rich, let me fix up your cut." Richie lifted his head off and said, "Y-Yeah." and wiped his eyes. His hair messed up. Eddie stood and helped Richie up. Richie sat on Eddie's bed, rubbing his eyes as Eddie ran to the bathroom. Eddie rushed in with his arms full of supplies, and set them all on his desk. Richie said, "What you doing over there Dr. K?"and laughed a sad laugh, Eddie smiled a bit, "Shut up you asshole." Eddie walked over and cupped Richie's chin and started dabbing the cotton ball on the cut. Richie hissed as it stung and pulled back. Eddie rushed, "Richie it only stings for a second." and rubbed his arm. Eddie let the cut air dry because his mom taught him that about cuts. Eddie was packing up all his "doctor supplies." Eddie kept trying to explain what they all meant, as Richie himself was just touching his cut. Eddie peeked back and exclaimed, "Richie! Do not fucking touch it!" Richie threw his hand down so fast. Eddie put his supplies back and sat next to Richie on the bed. He nervously said, "Do you want to talk about it?" Richie cried, "I don't even wanna live anymore." Eddie immediately grabbed Richie and pulled him into his chest. Eddie pulled him out to look into his eyes, "Richie, don't say that, you're amazing, you have so much to live for, please don't say that, chee. I love you and I always will." He ran his hands through his fluffy, curly hair, and wiped the tears streaming down his rosy cheeks with his thumb. Richie collapsed into Eddie's chest and cried into his shirt. Richie whispered, "Thank you, Eds." Eddie smiled as his arms were wrapped around Richie's small, lanky body. He let go as Eddie arranged his pillow's so he could sit up. Richie buried his face in Eddie's lap, and had his arms wrapped around his midsection. Eddie pet Richie's hair and played with the black, curly mess he calls his hair. He rubbed his back, and did one of those "Shhhh" things that adult's do. Richie soaked Eddie's shirt with his tears, wasn't talking at all. All Eddie wanted to do was comfort his Richie. Richie's breathing was sharp with his crying, and then he took one big breath with a little shaken tears into them and loosened his grip on Eddie's waist. He was asleep. Richie is a very VERY heavy sleeper, Eddie slowly lifted his head to check if he was really sleeping. His face was covered with his hair. Eddie smiled a bit, let him lay back down and ran his hands through the fluffy black mess. It was 2 am and Eddie was exhausted, but he couldn't sleep. At maybe 4 am he finally drifted off to sleep with his hands tangled in Richie's hair.

The Morning After

Eddie was the first to wake up, Richie still sleeping on Eddie's chest, breathing slowly. It was 7 am and Eddie rubbed his eyes. He didn't want to wake Richie up, especially after last night. He lifted Richie's head and the cut was looking better. Eddie slowly rolled over Richie's lifeless, sleeping body to get up. Richie basically flopped over onto his back, as Eddie got up and rubbed his hair and eyes. He looked down at his shirt that was still damp from tears, he threw on a new shirt and went to the bathroom. After he got out of the bathroom he went to go see if his mom was home, nope. He marched upstairs, and went to try and wake Richie up. Now, Richie isn't the easiest to wake up, so this was going to be quite a struggle. Eddie shook Richie's body, Richie's hair swaying. He groans and rolls to the other side. Eddie says, "Wake up Richie!" Richie turns on his stomach and shoves his face in the pillow. Eddie rolls his eyes and opens the curtains. "RICHIE!!!!" Richie screams in the pillow, "aughhh!" Eddie jumps on him like a kid on Christmas morning. Richie groans out, "Get off of me you rat." Eddie said, "Fine, i'll go get the pans." Eddie dashed out of the room and went to grab pans. Of course Richie already fell back asleep because duh. Eddie went into the room banging the pans together screaming, "GOOD MORNING RICHIEEE!!!!!!!" Richie shoots up, his eyes getting hit with the light, his hair crazy, and his face scrunched up. Eddie was dying of laughter. He jumps on the bed and smiles, "Good morning." Richie let's out a little smile, "I was getting shot at in my dream." in his lazy voice. They laughed and Eddie hugged him with a huge smile. He let go of him and looked him in the eyes, "How are you feeling?" Richie rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, "Fine." Eddie smiled a sympathetic smile. Richie finally said, "Thanks Eds, you know, for last night." "You're welcome. It's ok." Richie hugged Eddie and laid his head on Eddie's shoulder. They went downstairs and ate, joking around the entire time. Eddie said when they got back upstairs, "Chee, take a shower." Richie said, "But I don't want to use your girly shampoo." Eddie gasped, "It's not girly!" "Eddie spaghetti, as much as I love you it smells like flowers." "Shut up!" Eddie pushed him into the bathroom to take a shower. Richie stepped in the shower and couldn't figure out how to turn on the handle, he thought to himself, "What kind of sorcery fuckery is this?" After about 5 minutes he just pulled out the handle and it was on. He felt really stupid.  After his cold shower he snuck downstairs, to call Beverly. Him and Beverly get lunch every Saturday, she pays for his lunch because his parents neglect him. For being 15 and growing, he was very underweight. Only 63 pounds, so Beverly fills in the part that his parents don't do. Richie was very anorexic and needed help, that's where Beverly steps in. She's the parent figure Richie never hadThey are best friends. She's the only one that know's he's gay. He called Beverly, she didn't answer. He sighed and silently hung up the phone, and tip-toed up the stairs back to his lover Eddie. Eddie was in front his mirror, styling his perfect brown hair. Richie walked in, with his hair curly and messy. Eddie sighed, "Rich, can I please fix your hair?" Richie sighed and sat on the bed, "Knock yourself out." Eddie took an extra brush he had in his bathroom and attempted to brush out Richie's curls. Every brush Eddie would take, Richie would whisper, "Ow....ow.....ow...OWW!" Eddie would yell, "STOP MOVING RICH!" "OWWWW!"
Once Eddie styled Richie's hair how he liked it, Eddie looked at Richie with complete heart eyes. Eddie sighed and said, "You know rich, I've liked you for a long time. I'm really sorry if this ruins our friendship." Richie didn't say anything, just smiled. "I like you too." Richie stood up and took Eddie's face in his hands, and kissed him. It was a very passionate kiss, Eddie felt butterflies in his stomach. He wrapped his arms around Richie. He pulled back to hug him. Eddie's head buried in Richie's chest. Richie put his head on top of Eddie's. "I love you Ed's."
"I love you too, dumbass."

*phew this was long. hope u guys liked it!!! there's more too this story don't worry! ;)*

that night. | reddieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें