Chapter Twenty One

Start from the beginning

Outside the Director's office, the secretary stopped Jack.

"Agent Hudson? I have a message from Agent Leland."

Jack glanced in confusion at Sue who shrugged. "What is it?" he asked.

"Agent Leland said your sister had to leave and that Thomas was in the bullpen." As she relayed the message, the secretary frowned. "He is obviously mistaken."

"No, he's not," smiled Jack. "Thank you."

"You have a son?" asked D, seeing no other explanation. "And you called the little tyke, Thomas?"

"Robert Thomas Hudson," said Sue, her voice as soft as a caress.


"Your son has a nice set of lungs," quipped D, as they approached the bullpen.

"Tommy is crying?" That explained Levi's behaviour, she thought, the dog trying to get her attention. "Good boy," she said, petting him before hurrying, Jack and D on her heels.

The picture made Sue stop and stare with enchantment.

Bobby was bouncing little Tommy who didn't seem to appreciate the effort if his little jerking body was any indication, while the others were offering what Sue could only guess were words of advice.

"Need help, Bobby?" Sue asked, smiling at all her friends who immediately surrounded her with hugs and kisses, including Bobby who tried to juggle a worthy welcome and the wailing infant.

"The little mate is upset his mommy took off," Bobby told her. "You haven't seen Jade, have you?"

"Jade left." Sue said, taking the opportunity to reclaim her son. "It's okay, Tommy."

She cuddled her son who immediately calmed down at her touch and the sound of her voice.

"How did you do that?" Bobby asked, staring in disbelief. "And who's Tommy?"

Bobby watched Jack wrap an arm around Sue, his free hand caressing the little blond head.

"Out with it, uncle Crash," Jack teased. "What kind of horror stories have you been feeding my son?"

"Horror stories? Jade was-- YOUR SON?" he uttered amazed, while the girls gasped in astonishment. "The little anklebiter is--" He was too stunned to continue.

"Uncle Crash, meet Robert Thomas Hudson, also known as Robbie or Tommy," grinned Jack. "In honour of his godfather and wonderful mommy, who also happens to be my lovely wife."

"Come sit down, bush boy," Myles suggested, tapping his shoulder. "Before you faint."

"You knew? And you didn't tell us?" Lucy accused, glaring at Myles, as she approached her best friend for another hug. "Congratulations for everything."

"No wonder little Robbie has Jack's eyes," stated Tara who couldn't stay away. "I'm so happy for you."

"We want the entire story since Myles already knows everything," insisted Lucy.

"Hey, don't blame me, Jack made me promise to keep their marriage and baby a secret. He didn't want me to spoil the surprise," he stated not the least apologetic.

"And since when does a promise make you keep your mouth shut?" argued Lucy, not believing it.

"Godfather?" Bobby said, silencing everyone with his eerie voice.

"Bobby? Are you okay?" Tara wrapped her arms around him, suddenly worried about her husband's daze.

"Tara, I think your husband is caught in a time loop," grinned Myles.

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