Chapter Thirteen

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He watched in the shadow.

Leland and Manning were inside the apartment. When it started to rain, he cursed himself for not remembering the weather forecast. Still, he waited. Eventually he saw Leland leave the building. The agent didn't look too happy, but then, he rarely looked happy anyway.

He resumed his surveillance. When all the lights went off, he wondered if he missed Manning. Surely the Aussie wasn't spending the night. He approached searching for an entrance, but found none except for the obvious, so he rang the doorbell.

If Myles was changing his mind, he was going to strangle him, growled Bobby.

"Your timing, mate, is-- Howie?" Bobby stared in disbelief at the drenched man, his mood not improving. "What do you want?"

"Hum... Am I catching you at a bad time?" Howie said, not used to stand in front the Aussie clad only in boxer. "Because I could come back, you know, it's not like--"

"Howie? What are you doing here?" Tara appeared behind Bobby wearing a nightgown.

"I think I'm intruding," he said. glancing in discomfort at the couple, wishing Jack had told him about that development.

"Bobby, don't leave Howie out, he'll catch a cold."

Bobby discontentedly moved aside, glaring at the visitor as he came in.

"Out with it, mate, and out you go," advised Bobby.

"What is it, Howie?" asked Tara nicely, doubting triviality brought him across town.

"I need a huge favour," pleaded Howie.

"And it couldn't wait tomorrow?"

Bobby was definitely annoyed, noticed Howie, hoping his timing wasn't not as bad as he was beginning to think it was, not that he could have known since Jack never--

"What is it?" Tara asked, ending his musing.

"Favour. Big favour. Could you find the ex-owner of a motorcycle for me if I give you a licence plate?" he begged, doing his best to ignore Bobby. "It's really important. I have that friend and--"

"Are you in some sort of trouble, Howie?"

"No, he's not, luv." Bobby dared Howie to contradict him.

"No, no trouble at all. A simple business transaction, except--"

"Number, mate?"

"Number?" Howie stared in confusion at Bobby. "Oh, yah, number. It's... it's RDA-23. I need to know about the guy who owned it in '85."


Howie shrugged. "If you could search the fifty states, it would be great," he said, flashing his best smile.

"I'll do my best," she promised. "When do you need it for?"

One look at Bobby told him tonight would not be a good answer. Except Jack would call back soon, and Howie didn't want to disappoint Jack and Sue. They were counting on him.

"It's kind of urgent," he admitted.

"Give me twenty-four hours, Howie."

"That'd be perfect. Thank you, Tara. I owe you. If you need me, don't hesitate, day and night, I'll--"

"Good night, mate," Bobby said, closing the door on him.

"Good... night," Howie whispered to the door. "I'll come back tomorrow... earlier."

"That was rude," observed Tara, heading for the computer room.

"The '85 owner of a bike?" exclaimed Bobby, following her. "How important can that be? The guy may even be dead. Besides his timing was questionable, very questionable," he reminded her, wrapping her in his arms before she reached her chair.

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