Chapter Three

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"Sir, we have more incriminating evidence against Hudson," Syto informed the pacing man. "They are really rushing those results."

"An agent down is usually an incentive," he absently commented, wondering how much more incriminating evidence there could be.

Ballistic matched the gun they picked from Hudson's apartment to the bullet that murdered Nowen, and the fingerprints on it belonged to Hudson. Compromising pictures of Thomas and Hudson were found in the bedroom, covered with Nowen's and Hudson's prints, leading the investigating team to suspect Nowen was blackmailing Hudson. Two flight tickets to Costa Rica under Thomas' and Hudson's names were found in the kitchen with both their prints on them, giving credential to the theory they were planning on running away together after murdering Nowen. And the fact that Hudson and Thomas were unaccounted for, never having showed up, nor cancelled their reservation at Josephine's, added to the suspicion.

"What is it this time? A written confession?"

"They found a note on Davis," Syto said, ignoring the sarcasm. "What part of 'Sue is not available' don't you get, Davis? You and I need to settle this once and for all. I'll be waiting for you at my place, 6:30pm. And have no illusion, she belongs to me. Jac Hudson."

"So now they have Hudson killing Davis in a fit of jealous rage?"

He shook his head in disbelief. If it weren't so deadly seriously, he would be laughing at that one.

"And they just confirmed the bullet the doctor removed from Davis' chest--"

"Matches the gun they found in Hudson's apartment," he finished for her. "Of course it matches. HE skilfully framed Hudson."

"You know, sir, if it wasn't for the fact that we know for sure Nowen wasn't blackmailing Hudson, I would actually believe Hudson was guilty."

He could feel the start of a huge headache creeping along his skull. He didn't like the implications. The only way he could save Hudson from the accusations was to blow their covert operation.

"Sir, what I don't get is why shoot Davis?"

"No sure." He rubbed his temple. "A link that we missed got Hudson looking for Nowen, forcing HIM to eliminate Nowen. Hudson might have been closer to HIM than we all realised, forcing HIM to get rid of Hudson."

"Still doesn't explain Davis?" she argued.

No, he agreed. It didn't. Why the need to frame Hudson for both murders?

"Sir, Peterson just reported in. The word is out that Hudson shot a rookie fresh from Quantico. Osborne has trigger-happy agents watching Thomas' and Hudson's places."

"I believe you just got your answer. If Hudson resists arrest, they will shoot him. Hudson has got to unknowingly know something, and HE doesn't want Hudson to talk."

"If Peterson's team intervenes, it will also blow our cover," she pointed out. "Once HE knows we have HIM on our radar, HE will retreat so deep, we will never get HIM."

Syto accentuated each pronoun even more than she usually did.

"Maybe not." A plan formed in his mind. "Have we located Hudson and Thomas yet?"

"No." Her bet was on a small motel, but she kept her opinion to herself. "For all intended purposes, they could have fled the country after they murdered Davis, incriminating themselves even further."


"Sir? You're not thinking? Do you trust them enough?"

Did he trust them enough? Yes, he did. Despite the emails, he still trusted them. But would Hudson and Thomas trust him? And could he get to them in time?

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