Chapter Nineteen

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Jack watched with a huge smile as Sue meticulously transformed the little crib into a cozy bed for their baby.

When she asked for his advice in the store on their latest shopping spree, he told her he gave his preference to the sheets and comforter with the bears, but he instantaneously caved in when she showed him the bedding with the ocean theme. Multi-coloured little fishes, yellow starfishes, purple octopus, blue dolphins, pink whales... his eyes only catching a few from the distance.

She was tying the bumper pad around the crib when she lifted luminous eyes in his direction after sensing his presence. She was happy and serene, and Jack liked to think he might be responsible for at least the first adjective.

Amelia's dreams were still haunting her, despite the events of the last few weeks. They followed the story through the newspapers like everyone else in town, while at the same time he dissected all of them for the slightest mention that Davis' murder case was solved.

When one morning Rosie told them she was interviewed over her encounter at the waterfall, Jack knew Tatinger was as thorough as Myles described him. The only thing that actually surprised Jack was how quickly it all unravelled. Tatinger successfully proved Patrick innocent and insured his immediate release. And Vixen pleaded guilty to all charges to avoid the death penalty. They had solved the mystery, and justice had been served.

In time, Jack hoped for the connection between Sue and Amelia to lessen, and for her spirit to finally rest in peace.

"You're very far away," she said, wrapping her hands behind his neck, her belly firmly pressed against his stomach.

"Six days before baby gets here," he counted, still marvelling over the life they created together and that she was carrying.

Baby was in position, ready to enter the world, and his parents were waiting impatiently to greet him.

"Assuming he's punctual, and doesn't take after you," she teased, while soft moans also escaped her lips at his hands massaging her sore lower back.

"I wish I could have taken you home, Sue."

She could see the regrets in his eyes, and imagine it in his voice.

She gazed lovingly at him. "With you, I am home, Jack."

"I love you," he whispered before lowering his head.

Her lips were soft, parting under his gentle pressure to allow for mutual exploration.

"Did baby scare you?" she asked when he suddenly broke the kiss.

"It was quite a kick," he chuckled. "And no, he didn't, the door did. Are you coming down with me?"

She followed him, curiosity rising with each step down the stairs. They rarely got visitors, and considered them a treat, but none were quite ready for the sight when they opened the front door.

"Hi," Sue greeted, finding her voice first. She never had that many people standing on the porch before. "Would you like to come in?"

"We honestly didn't mean to intrude or bother you," apologised Sonya.

"Yes, mom, we did," corrected Annie, with a smile, glancing from Sue to Jack. "If it's okay with you?"

"It's no bother," assured Jack, greeting the visitors.

Jack assumed the young man with an arm around Annie's waist to be her husband, only to be proved right moments later. Julian was standing by his dad. Patrick was much older than on the pictures they saw of him, but there was no mistaking his identity.

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