➢ Nico Hulkenberg - "Take another step and you'll regret it."

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My best friend of almost ten years, Evelyn, decided that she was going to celebrate her birthday on the town. It wasn't a milestone birthday or anything, however she always had a flair for the dramatics. Since she had been my friend for so long, she invited me along for the night. It's not like I had anything better to do after a recent breakup. Besides, nights with my best friend are always something to be enjoyed.

We got ready around hers with an hour before the taxi journey dedicated to pre-drinks. My party days had been and gone, usually an evening spent drinking would be a bottle of red wine because I'm such a classy bitch. I was unsure as to whether my outfit was too much, but my friend assured me that I'd fit right in.

 I was unsure as to whether my outfit was too much, but my friend assured me that I'd fit right in

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"Damn," One of my other friends, Becca, grinned. "You look boujee as fuck."

"Thanks, B," I grinned, giving a little twirl. This dress did make me feel good, the emerald material complimenting my skin tone really well. My heels also added a couple of inches onto my height which helped to boost my confidence.

We arrived at the first bar at eleven, and was moving on to the second around twelve. The second one was much better, the music being songs that we used to dance to when we were younger and actually knew. I bought the first round of shots for everyone and we did a toast to Evelyn. A couple of people whom we didn't know around us started to celebrate as well, one of them declaring her love for my best friend. We were having a good time, but that was until we started dancing.

I spotted my ex, Nico, across the room with a couple of his driver friends. I couldn't help but scoff - just my luck that he was at the exact same club that I was at. It took a lot of willpower to not ask my friend to leave, but upon seeing how good of a time she was having, I just couldn't. The best thing I could do was turn away and ignore him.

Nico and I's breakup wasn't particularly messy. We just never seemed to have time for each other, especially when he was away in another country most of the time. We had been dating for almost five years, and called things off only two months ago. I had tried moving on several times but every man I compared to Nico. No one seemed to be able to make me feel the way he did.

When a random, but handsome, stranger started to dance with me, I didn't push him away. I wanted to move on with every fibre in my body and maybe this man was the one to do it. His hands were firmly on my waist as we moved effortlessly to the music. Our bodies weren't in perfect sync, like Nico and I's would've been, but it felt good. If it wasn't for the feeling of being watched, I would've happily continued. I turned my head to the side just as the stranger dipped his head into my neck and began to place light kisses. Of all the people I could've locked eyes with, it had to be Nico. He didn't break his gaze and continued to stare with an unreadable expression until his Aussie teammate tapped his shoulder. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was jealous. Nico was always getting jealous when we were together at any man who even looked my way for more than a second.

I began to feel hot not long after. "I'm just going to head to the bathroom." I told the stranger before pulling out of his grasp and winding through the crowd. The bathroom was off a corridor at the back of the club and was surprisingly quiet apart from the thumping of bass. Before I could push open a door, I felt s hand grab my wrist and pull me back - it was the stranger. "Could you please let go?" I asked, tugging my wrist free.

"Don't you want me, doll?" He raised an eyebrow. "You were acting like it earlier." He took a step forward as I took one back. My heart rate started to quicken as I became nervous.

"It was just a bit of fun, I-" I tried to say but my words fell short as my back hit the wall. I'm trapped. I drew in a sharp breathe and put my arms in front of me to try and stop the man from approaching further. My intentions were never to sleep with him, just have a bit of fun, but apparently it was misread.

"Take another step and you'll regret it." A low voice announced. My eyes averted from the man in front of me to the one towering over him - Nico. Saying he looked pissed was an understatement.

The stranger looked back and kissed his teeth, "She wants me, so leave us alone."

"Y/N?" Nico questioned, raising an eyebrow. I frantically shook my head. "The lady has spoken. Now, fuck off."

The man scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Fine." He then turned and looked me up and down in disgust, "I wouldn't wanna touch her anyways, the slut."

"You okay?" Nico finally asked when the man had gone. His voice was a lot softer than before and brought me comfort. My stomach fluttered with butterflies.

"Yeah, thank you."

There was a bit of an awkward silence, just the two of us standing a few feet apart. Eventually, Nico spoke. "You, uh, look really nice. It looks like you're doing well."

"Thanks, But I'm really not." I confessed. Maybe it was the alcohol in my system that was making me want to be honest? "Life has sucked without you."


"I know what you're going to say. I know we broke up, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I've tried moving on, but no one is you, Nico. No one makes me feel happy."

"I didn't want to break up with you, Y/N, you know that, right?" Nico took a step forward to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I did I because I didn't want you to be left alone. You deserve someone who's there for you all of the time."

"I just wanted you, Nico." I sighed. "We worked for almost five years so why should it suddenly stop?"

"I thought it was for the best..." He ran a hand through his hair, pushing it back. "Obviously not."

"Do you regret it?" I asked.


A wave of confidence seemed to take over as I stepped forward, pushing my chest against his. I leant up to his ear, my hand grazing the side of his face. I felt him shiver as my warm breathe tickled his skin and my lips lightly brushed his earlobe. "Then take me home and prove it."


Should I do part twos but with a different prompt? Let me know!

Also, this is uploaded early because I'm not sure if I'm going to be online tomorrow. I don't want to miss an upload.

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