"Publicity stunt, luv," he answered, his mind already imagining snatching scenarios. "When is that fashion show?"

She scrolled down and stared at the date.

"Tomorrow ni... I guess I should say tonight. What are we going to do? It's probably sold out, and we have no authority to intervene."

"Ask Myles for tickets, and hope that with his connections he can get us two," Bobby replied. "After that, we improvise, luv."


He nervously drummed his fingers in his mahogany desk. The necklace was in transit. The van of the security company would soon be crossing the dark narrow tunnel. If the men he hired timed it right, the security van would be caught in a traffic jam.

He looked at his watch. Time to go to that business meeting and let it drag into the evening. If Williams was indeed spying on him he needed a solid alibi.


"Are you sure my little red dress is the right choice?" Tara asked for the tenth time.

"Yes, luv." Bobby wrapped her in his arms, his lips finding that tender spot just below her ear. "You're beautiful. Perfect. Delicious." He whispered, punctuating each adjective with a kiss.

"We cannot be late, Bobby," she regretfully reminded him. "And where am I supposed to wear my gun?"

Bobby took a step back to objectively look at his wife. The dress didn't leave much to his imagination, but then he knew exactly what--

"Bobby!" she objected, seeing the predatory glint in his eyes.

"The gun might be a problem," he admitted. "Unless you want to consider the inside of your thigh, except drawing it might be awkward."

"Good idea," she said, lifting her skirt. "Want to help me with the holster?"

If that wasn't sweet torture, nothing was, he thought, as he tightened the leather strap. "How does it feel?"

"Perfect," she said after letting the fabric fall. "I promise to let you help me take it off tonight."

She smiled mischievously at her hubby.

"I was counting on it, luv. Ready?"

The tickets Myles got them were towards the back but it gave them an obstructed view of the room and the entrance.

"It's better than walking the perimeter under the drizzle," murmured Bobby in her ear. They both felt sorry for the predicament they left Myles in, but one of them had to cover the outside.

The people gasped when the young model made her first appearance. Tara wasn't certain if the attention was on the stunning necklace around her neck, or on the neckline that exposed half her breasts.

"They wouldn't pay me enough to do that job," she muttered under her breath, glad to see that her husband's gaze wasn't wandering on the young female but on the crowd instead.

"I'm worried about backsta..."

The applause drowned his words. She nodded having caught his meaning, but there wasn't anything they could do about it. Hopefully Myles would catch anyone leaving by the back entrance.

The show went on, presenting unique, often extravagant, if not intentionally provocative designs. They continuously scanned the room, but didn't see anyone or anything unusual. Their young model just left the platform when the room got plunged into darkness.

"That's not good," exclaimed Bobby, though he was helpless to do anything.

"At least people are not panicking," Tara murmured in his ear.

Skeletons in the Closet (Sue Thomas FBEye)Where stories live. Discover now