"As highly entertaining as that is, you both realise this is purely speculative."

"Not purely, Myles," corrected Tara.

"Let's say I buy." Myles rolled his eyes. "Where do we go from here? Do we let whoever is in charge of that undercover operation handle it?"

"Over my dead body, mate," retorted Bobby. "They already screwed up once. I'm not letting Jack's and Sue's fate in their hands."

"Well, at least we agree on that," said Myles, relieved. "But I think we need to refocus our effort. Wouldn't figuring why they were framed more productive than proving their innocence? And it seems to me it all started with that call to Sue after we raided that warehouse."

"On a tip from one of your snitches, mate," Bobby reminded him.

"Who I haven't heard from ever since," he pointed out, something he would remedy.

"We need to concentrate back on the original investigation," agreed Tara. "Start from scratch. See what we missed."

"Without Osborne's knowledge," added Bobby. "Not that it should be too difficult. He practically shelved the investigation, concentrating solely on Jack and Sue."

"Thank goodness for small favours and incompetent agents," muttered Myles. "And the timing couldn't be better, a month before Christmas. What? I always get Mother a painting for the holiday, in case someone asks."

After Myles' departure, they cuddled on the couch.

"We are way over our heads, Bobby," she sighed, the beating of his heart against her ear an anchor she held on to.

"I know, and I feel so useless working with DEA," he said, his hand running through her silky blond hair.

"Just keep your ears open, Bobby. Remember when we found Langley's body, we mistook him for a drug dealer. The drug had to come from somewhere. Maybe it wasn't a coincidence that we were reassigned, maybe someone wanted us where we could unravel the mystery."

"I like how your brain works, luv." He brushed kisses along her hairline. "What?" he murmured stunned, when she chuckled.

"Men are usually afraid of my brain," she admitted softly.

"Their loss, my gain," he replied huskily, his lips trailing across her cheek to the corner of her mouth where he tenderly nibbled his way across.

"Bobby," she sighed, frustrated by her futile attempt to capture his lips.

"I love you, Tara," he whispered swallowing her reply.

They had driven back from her parents early in the morning, only to head directly to work. Stolen moments were all they were granted the three days they were on the ranch. He missed having her to himself, feeling her petite warm body against him. The way her touch ignited his senses, like her fingers were doing now, skimming over his bare chest leaving scorched marks, which made him aware his shirt was hanging loosely over his shoulders.

"Time to go to bed," he whispered, scooping her up in his arms. "You're a she-devil in disguise, luv."

Her lips brushed his chest as he carried her to her bedroom before gently lowering her down. She stared at him intently as he sat beside her. Only a few buttons were left undone on her shirt and he quickly took care of them, kissing the new flesh he exposed, noticing the pink happy faces on her bra. He slid her pants off her hips and grinned. She always wore matching sets.

"Stay here with me tonight," she whispered, her request made softly.

She never invited him in her bed before, only occasionally sharing the daybed with him when she inadvertently fell asleep in his arms. She gazed hazily at him, her fingers pushing his shirt off his shoulders before exploring his body. He stopped her when she reached his pants.

Skeletons in the Closet (Sue Thomas FBEye)Where stories live. Discover now