"Did you?" asked Sue.

"No, he is done playing with me. He can face the music alone. He didn't even ask about Grace," Rosie said, watching Levi sleep near Sue. "I figured you would want to know for sure he wouldn't come back for it, not that I would have told him what I did with Grace. I can see the dog is much happier with you than it ever was with him."

"You're a good person, Rosie. I'm sure you will find the right man eventually."

"Now at least I can still dream, Becky. Thank you. I have to go or I will be late opening the library, which reminds me." As she stood up, she pulled more articles from her inside coat pocket. "More ghost stories. Enjoy."


"You do realise you have yet to mention the tunnels today," Jack teased her as they warmed up in front of the fire after Rosie's departure.

"I was keeping it for later this afternoon. After my nap." Cuddled against him, she leaned her head against his chest and closed her eyes.

He caressed her back, and placed soft kisses in her hair. Soon she was fast asleep.

At first, he attributed her naps to the aftermath of her flu, except each day they were increasing in length, despite sleeping all night. He stroked her cheek. It was still rosy. Maybe he should take her to the doctor after all. Despite her assurance she was feeling better he suspected she still had not completely recovered.

"Tomorrow we're going to have you checked over, sweetheart," he promised, before the only doctor in town closed for the Thanksgiving weekend. Which reminded him that he needed to stop at the electronic store.

For some reasons neither could explain, with each passing night, she retained more and more details of her dreams. She stirred in his arms. He tightened his embrace, keeping her warm and safe.

After her nap and a snack, she felt energised. Last night in her dream she was circling the smaller cave they discovered. Lanterns in hand, and jackets on, they ventured underground.

The smaller cave had a round shape, and it widened as it reached the ceiling. The walls were inclined outwards. After circling it a few times, Levi climbed a wall and went to stand on a narrow ledge looking down at his two masters.

"Levi, here," ordered Jack, after pointing him to Sue.

"It's not like he's going anywhere. Jack?" She gaped when she saw Levi disappear behind a huge stone. "Where did he go?"

"He's barking. You stay here, sweetheart."

Taking one lantern with him, he looked closer and noticed indentations in the rock. Those were manmade steps. How did they miss them? The slope wasn't as steep as it seemed like, and he easily climbed up.

"I'll be damned," he muttered.

Further down the ledge, hiding from view by the stone was a short passageway. And it led directly to the floor of a larger cave covered with graffiti.

"This is amazing, Jack," she exclaimed in awe.

He observed her as she toured the cave before hanging her lantern in the middle of the room. That she knew there would be a hook in the ceiling for that specific purpose wasn't amazing, thought Jack, it was plain spooky. Why again didn't he opt for the mountains in Vermont?

She was examining the graffiti. He joined her when he saw her pick something up from the floor.

"Broken pieces of chalk of different colours," she said, showing them to Jack.

They matched the colours of the rudimentary drawings on the rock

"That's our house." She pointed, though he couldn't see much resemblance. "Those are sticks people. What's so funny?" she asked, seeing him smile.

Skeletons in the Closet (Sue Thomas FBEye)Where stories live. Discover now