
I will be ready at 6:30pm sharp. Don't be late or you won't get any dessert.


"Sorry, Clarkson, but I got distracted. Could you repeat that?" Distracted was an understatement, Jack thought. Sue was getting even with him for sending her that email. "Yes, your collaboration is appreciated," he replied absently, his free hand busy writing a different type of answer. "Agent Manning will contact you shortly." While talking, he pressed the send button, then he glanced at her desk.

Sue was hiding behind her computer, waiting for a sign, any sign, that she didn't misread him. The flashing light indicating she received a message could be seen as such, she reflected, reaching for her keyboard, her hand slightly trembling.

I wouldn't dream of missing dessert, Ms. Thomas. It's a DATE. I will tell you where I'm taking you when I walk you to your car after work.


He kept his eyes towards her desk as he continued his conversation with Clarkson.

In any seconds, she was bound to peek in his direction. She didn't disappoint him. He noticed her blushed cheeks and her shy expression. In his eyes, she had never been more beautiful. He mischievously winked at her, and caught her radiant smile before she retreated once more behind her monitor.

Once he hung up, he picked up a fax before walking to her desk. She expectantly lifted her eyes to him. The only thought that crossed Jack's mind at that moment was why he waited three years.

"I know I owe you an explanation," he whispered.

It wasn't how he'd planned on asking her out, not by any stretch of the imagination, but he had to admit it yielded the desired result.

She smiled at him. "Yes, you do, Jack, but it can wait tonight."

"Okay." He would make it up to her for flustering her at work. He mentally added flowers and chocolate to his list, on top of finding a reservation in an upscale restaurant. "How about you join me around Tara's desk? Officer Clarkson was very enlightening."


Tara quickly matched the fingerprints from their dead man to the one faxed by Clarkson.

"The import/export company looks like a façade for illegal activities," Tara informed them. "I cannot pinpoint anything in particular, but it smells fishy."

"Fishy?" Jack repeated as she nodded. "I'm trusting you, Tara. Go with your instinct. Anything else?"

"I found an address in Hartford."

It was identical to the one Clarkson gave Jack.

"Sue, I will need a search warrant. Judge Russo should easily give it to us."

Sue nodded at Jack as she proceeded to request it.

"A few years back, Nowen fulfilled a uniform contract with the military," Tara added.

"So we have a military link after all," Jack commented.

"Kind of," Tara agreed. "But it's a big leap from uniform to classified gun design," she reminded him.

"Maybe Nowen made contact with someone else inside while he was working on that contract," Sue suggested.

"I already checked, but I couldn't find any information without hacking in the military database," Tara said, eyeing Jack for directive.

"Accessing the military database without permission is too risky, but let's not share that piece of info with them just yet. I want some leverage next time I talked to Major something or another." His frustration showed in his voice. "According to Clarkson, Nowen's arrest goes back to last January."

Skeletons in the Closet (Sue Thomas FBEye)Where stories live. Discover now