At this point I had started crying. My mom was in love and was going to leave our father. And he just killed her? I mean people break up every day. That’s no reason to kill someone.

“As werewolves one of our absolute laws are you never kill an Alpha or Beta’s mate and your father knew she was my mate and he killed her anyway. So I got him sentenced to death. And I hope you forgive me for that one day. But he killed the love of my life and it was extremely hard for me after she was killed. But as I said before I had to keep going. Not only for you Kenna or you Kendall but for Jake, Brianna and Haylee too. Your all my kids now and I love you all. I’m sorry Haylee, to you and Brianna. It’s been a year and I never not once reached out to you two and I hope you can forgive me for that but I had no clue how to explain to either of you what happened.” He finished.

So much was going on in my head at once. I need to stop thinking. I turned to Kendall.

“This is my half baby brother?” I asked, tears flowing freely down my cheeks.

“Yeah he just turned 1 two weeks ago, December 13th is his birthday.” John said.

“Can I hold him?” I asked tears running faster down my face. I was sobbing now. It’s been a year and I haven’t been able to be in my own brother’s life. I knew I loved him when Kendall walked in the room with him and I saw my mother in him.

“Of Couse.” John said.

Kendall handed Jake to me and he looked at me and started talking baby talk and smiling at me. He laughed and he made me smile. I felt a little more at ease knowing that something good came out of this mess of a situation and that was Jake.

I sat there and played with him and feed him until he fell asleep in my arms. He was half sleep still trying to drink from his bottle. It was now dark out. Everyone had left the room to give me time alone with Jake.

I was holding a sleeping Jake as I walked toward the kitchen and throw the doors. Everyone was sitting at the kitchen island talking. Kenna and Kendall’s eyes were red and puffy from crying and I was sure mine was too.

“Um he’s asleep. Where is his room so I can put him down?” I asked everyone.

“Oh I’ll show you. Follow me.” Kenna offered. I followed her to Jakes room. It was blue and white and fit for a baby boy. I placed him in his crib and just stared at him.

“You don’t hate me now, do you?” Kenna whispered.

“Why would I hate you?” I questioned.

“Because my dad broke up your family and got your dad sentenced to death. I’m so sorry Haylee. I had no idea…” I stopped her.

“Kenna stop it. None of this is your fault. It’s no one’s fault. There’s only one person to blame for my mom and dad’s death and that’s my dad. Had he not killed my mother he would still be alive and so would my mom. My mom couldn’t help how she felt about her mate; believe me I know how she must have felt. No wolf can help how they feel about their mate. I know your dad would have taken good care of my mom for the simple fact the he accepted my mom as his mate. I mean people get divorced or separate every day. My mom shouldn’t have had to die because of it.” I paused.

“I mean look around, this world is not perfect. You see women getting cheated on by their men everyday but yet and still they stay with that same man that keeps hurting them. All because he begs her back and say he will change. But the man never really does change. I bet you didn’t know that while my mom was with your dad, my dad cheating on my mom with a lot of different woman. He always cheated and got caught and my mom always forgave him. My dad even would bring the girls around me and my sister. I’m not surprised she tried to leave him. I’m not surprised at all.” I stopped talking to think of a second.

“I had no clue your dad was cheating” Kenna said sadly. But I just kept on blabbing.

“And me, I’m still in love with my mate that rejected me for my twin.” I thought out loud.

“Wait… your mate rejected you for your twin sister?” Kenna asked shocked.

“More like my sister’s boyfriend rejected me, and yeah he’s my mate.” I said plainly.

“Okay, let me see if I got this right. He was your sister’s boyfriend first and he rejected you to be with her?” She questioned.

“Yeah, pretty much, but he was cheating on her too and she wouldn’t believe me.” I answered.

“Okay I’m confused now. Let’s get out the baby’s room so we can talk louder.” I nodded my head and we walked out the baby room. She took a seat at the top of the stairs and I took a seat next to her.

“Okay tell me everything.” She said.

“Alright where do I start?” I told her everything that happened.

From how I my sister and pack treated me to how I was rejected and ended up here. I cried some and Kenna did too. I guess she felt bad for me. The conversation was longer than an hour and I was starting to get sleepy. I was overdosed on information I really wish I didn’t know. After we finished talking we went back to the kitchen where everyone was still there talking.

“Um Neal we should get going home now. It’s getting pretty late.” Kenna said once we walked in the kitchen.

“Yeah I was just saying the same thing to your dad.” Neal got up out his seat and walked over to me and hugged me tight. “Are you okay Haylee?” He questioned as he kissed my forehead.

“Um I think I’ll be okay eventually.” I said to him.

“I’ll understand if you want to cancel our date.” He looked into my eyes.

“No I don’t want to cancel it. It would be good for me to do something to talk my mind off everything.”

“Well I’m happy you’re not canceling on me.” He then pecked me on the lips and the room erupted into coughs. I laughed at them all.

“O sorry everyone. Any way everyone ready to get going?” Neal asked me.

“Yeah I am.” I said.

“Me too.” Kenna said.

“Yeah me three. I’m so sleepy.” Kendall finished.

We all said our good-byes and see you later’s. I was surprised when John hugged me.

“Feel free to call me whenever you need anything. I don’t care what it is. You just left me know and I’ll make sure you have it.” John said nicely to me.

“Thank you sir.”

“You can call me John or pops.” He laughed. “That’s what my girls call me when they aren’t mad at me.” He smiled.

“Okay thank you pops.” I laughed at myself.

We all walked back to our cars and got in. Neal drove us back to the pack house in like ten seconds. We got out the car and walked in the house and we all went straight to the third floor. Kenna and Kendall went to their rooms and Neal walked me to mine.

“Neal I don’t think I’m going to school tomorrow.” I told him once we were in front of my door.

“I kind of figured that. Do you want me to stay with you?” I asked.

“Would you? I don’t wanna go to school but I don’t wanna be alone here either.”

“It’s okay I wouldn’t leave you alone, ever.” He kissed me on the lips very softly. We said good night and he closed my door and walked to his room. I fell asleep wanting to have as many dreams as possible about kissing him.

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