i. a summers' day

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it was a normal day at school. loud, obnoxious chatter and the warmth of the sun filled the schoolhouse as miss stacey began writing on the chalkboard. the girls giggled and laughed and gossiped with each other, while the boys rowdily yelled and joked on the other side of the room. it was pure bliss, sunshine and light. 

of course, anne was sulkily glowering in a corner. 

"okay, anne. you've got to tell me what the problem is," diana said worriedly.

anne scowled. "it's that awful gilbert blythe, diana. you know very well how he teases me endlessly."

diana smiled at her kindred spirit. "are you sure it's not because he likes you?"

anne spun around at her table, staring at diana in horror. "unbelievable! how dare you even suggest such a thing?" she glanced across the room to see gilbert looking at her. he quickly turned away as soon as he noticed the redhead glaring straight at him.

"see! there he is, rudely staring at girls. he was probably trying to eavesdrop on our conversation!" she exclaimed. diana rolled her eyes.

"anne. he was looking at you because he has a crush on you! can't you see! boys tease girls when they LIKE them. he just wants to get your attention."

"well, that's certainly not the way boys should do it! they should admit their feelings upfront, not make poor girls feel stupid about themselves!" she sighed in defeat. "i suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask him about it. oh, but diana, my dearest friend, would you inquire for me? i couldn't possibly talk to gilbert blythe about romantical things! it would be so... awkward." 

diana giggled and nodded. "okay, anne. i'll do it for you." she stood and walked over to the boys' section of the classroom. immediately the roughhousing ceased. diana, being one of the most beautiful and sought-after girls in avonlea, made all the boys stop and stare at her. 

"hello, m-miss," charlie sloan stuttered as she passed. 

"good day, charlie. you can just call me diana," she laughed. "i hate formal titles." 

charlie's jaw dropped as she strutted over to gilbert. she tapped him on the shoulder, and he turned to face her. 

"well, hello diana," he said politely. "what can i do for you?"

diana sneaked a glance back at anne, to see her hiding underneath the school desks. she suppressed a laugh and turned back to the boy. 

"a certain someone was wondering if you have feelings for her..." she said warily, waiting for him to put two and two together.

he looked confusedly at the girls' side of the room. "is it ruby? because, sorry, i already like someone and it isn't her." 

"no, it's...someone else. someone who you wouldn't expect."

this just made the poor boy more confused. "who? is it jane? tillie? josie? god, it better not be josie-"

"don't worry, gil. It's not josie pye," she interrupted.

"who is it then?" 

diana saw anne scooting along the wall, trying to make it to the coatroom. she sighed. 

"it's anne."

gilberts eyes widened. he smiled giddily. 

"anne, huh? y'know, i never thought..." he trailed off as he searched the room for the redhead. "where is anne anyway? i need to...talk to her," he said anxiously, his eyes frantic. diana took one wary look at him and nodded toward the coatroom. he whispered a quick "thanks" before heading in her direction. 

                                                                      ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

gilbert knocked on the chipping wooden frame of the little entryway before stepping inside. he spun around once, looking for the girl, until he stopped. a red lock of hair peeked out from behind a dark jacket. he grinned. walking forward, he lifted the coat back to reveal none other than anne shirley-cuthbert. 

"hello, miss shirley," he said slyly, holding his hand out to help her up. she just blushed and pushed past him. 

"blythe," she replied, stone cold. he couldn't help but stare at her. even at her most icy and rigid, she was still overflowing with beauty and light. she quickly snapped him out of his trance. 

"gilbert blythe! it is ever so rude to stare at a lady." he tilted his head back, looking up at the peeling ceiling, before sighing and turning to look down at her once again. 

"i'm sorry, anne. i wanted to talk to you. diana was asking me something about-"

"i'm so sorry!" the girl interrupted. gilbert looked at her in surprise. "i didn't mean to be intrusive or shy, i just wanted to know because you kept LOOKING at me, and i was confused, and i've never really spoken to boys before, and-"

gilbert cut her off. "anne," he said with caution, not wanting to make her feel bad or anger her further. "it's okay. that's what i wanted to talk to you about. you see, i... do like someone. and i need your help deciding which is the best way to get her to like me back." 

you chicken, he thought to himself. just ask her on a date already. 

anne gasped. "how romantic! first, i need to know what kinds of things she likes. oh, maybe i could even write a story about it! a tragical romance, with a harrowing plot, and... and a princess who's so beautiful and kind and perfect being wooed by a prince who's charming and sweet and oh-so handsome, and-" she stopped talking, realizing what she had just said.

gilbert smiled slightly, hopefully. 

"you think i'm handsome? sweet? charming?" he asked, glowing. 

anne was flustered. "i-i only meant... well in some aspects, i suppose, but...never you mind that! we have to attend class. meet me at green gables right after school, and i'll help you." 

and with that, she spun on her heel and marched back to her seat. gilbert shook his head, gazing at her as he slowly went to his spot next to moody.

 and for some reason, he couldn't wipe that enchanted smile off of his face. 

hello anne clan! hope you enjoyed chapter cne of "tales of avonlea"! please give me some feedback and ideas for the next chapter in the comments! also, some future heads-ups: i will be putting a trigger warning before any chapter that may have explicit or harmful content. if you have suggestions for things you want me to add, leave a comment! i won't be posting daily, because I have schoolwork to do. ty!


word count: 1072

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