I pulled up running out of the car looking around every corner until I'd heard voices. I ran over to see Klaus was watching Stefan as he was about to kill someone. I ran behind him pushing him slightly and screaming "Stefan no!" he stopped turning to me the girl wasting no time getting out of there. I sighed in relief breathing heavily my lungs burning from running around so much. I looked back to see Klaus looked at me surprise all over his face. I ignored him and looked at Stefan who was clearly upset with me. He ran over, hugged, and kissed me "What are you doing here" he said rubbing his thumbs on my cheeks "Saving your life" I whispered kissing him again and walking over to Klaus "You don't need him take me I'll come with you but only if his debt to you is squared off" he looked between the both of us and didn't even blink before he said "Deal" and ran off with me.

"How are you alive" we didn't go far,  he had questions I could tell so we were just far enough so we could talk without being overheard. He didn't sound angry or really anything just confused when he asked. I didn't feel threatened but I was uncomfortable so I kept it short and sighed shrugging "My friends would stop at nothing until they knew I would live" he shook his head "And you've all but given that up for Stefan" I shook my head "I haven't... You won't kill me" he smiled at me amused "Won't I" I shook my head watching him get closer and closer. Once again the memories of the night before I died came to haunt me. I hadn't even thought too much about it until now. Yet because of that night I knew he wouldn't kill me. He couldn't. I felt as though he needed me anyway "Well I'll need to figure this out so I guess there'd be no point in killing you... yet" he said a smile playing on his lips, I sighed inwardly in relief and nodded.

He sped us off again his people had finished packing away what he wanted and he wad ready to leave... what he call it. This one pony town.  We were on a plane to somewhere immediately. He wouldn't tell me where we were going just that I would enjoy the beaches. That could mean anything so many places in the world have beaches. On the plane ride I noticed him looking over at me repeatedly. I tried to ignore him until I sighed and finally caved "What is it Klaus" he just tilted his head and said nothing. I rolled my eyes and huffed crossing my arms "Do you remember that night" I froze not really knowing how to respond. Any reference to that night ran chills up my spine and made me heat up in a way I couldn't part attention to. He watched me closely gaging my response "What night? The one you killed my aunt and then me" I said venom dripping off my voice, he winced a little at my tone I guess hoping I wouldn't bring it up.

"Yes, about that, sorry, you know collateral damage and all that nothing personal sweetheart" I scoffed anger rushing in me my hands furiously shaking. All the fear I'd once had the reservations about speaking went out the window. My courage skyrocketed and I stood up unable to hold my tongue "I was just collateral damage and I shouldn't take it personally that you came in my life and tore it to shreds. I shouldn't take it personally that you're the reason I only have one family member left. I shouldn't take it personally that I might not ever go back home because of you. What should I take it as then?! Please explain what im obviously missing" he opened his mouth to say something but thought better of it and just shrugged. His arrogance only pushed my irritation higher, I walked off going into the bathroom slamming and locking the door. He was a monster way worse than anything I'd ever thought of Damon. And I slept with him, why did I do that?! I yelled in frustration punching the mirror and my fist bleeding. It bled on my pants and shirt a little as I rapidly fumbled around trying to get it to stop. I wad whispering profanities and impatiently tending to my hand when he knocked "Elena are you alright I smell blood" Klaus said on the other side of the door.

"I'm fine, I just cut myself" he didn't say anything for a moment. If I cared enough to think about it I would've heard how that sounded. But his worries were lost on me as I carefully picked up the shares of glass trying not to mess up my hands even more "If you don't come out in the next minute I'm coming in after you" I sighed ripping my shirt and wrapping my hand up and using water and hand soap to try to clean up my pants. Before I was able to finish the open sprung open and Klaus sighed in relief. He raised an eyebrow at me looking at the whole room slightly confused "Here I thought you'd gone and done something stupid but in reality you've just got a temper" I flushed a little embarrassed that I'd cut myself in a fit of my own rage. Here I am preaching self control and thinking before acting then going off and destroying rooms in blind rage. To be fair when I was talking about self control I hadn't known Klaus yet. If I did I would've have been much easier on the topic.

"Come on love we still have quite the flight left. Get some rest" he said going back to his seat pulling out this book and a pencil. Was every vampire so emotional as to chronicle their lives? I watched him for a moment before looking out the window allowing the sight of the clouds passing by to lull me to sleep. When I woke up I was in a bed softer than almost any bed I'd ever been in. There was streams of sunlight coming out of the large window in the room but it was covered by a large curtain. I'd gotten up and opened it to be met with the sight of a beach like he said. There weren't any people on it which lead me to believe it was a private beach. There's no way that no one would be on the beach on a day like this.

It was perfect outside, I could see a American flag move around telling me there was a breeze and I could feel the sunshine warming my skin it was perfect for a day out. I touched the glass absentmindedly "Want to go outside" I heard from behind me causing me to jump a little "Oh Klaus um... Am I allowed to go outside" I asked not sure on our dynamics "Well I don't believe I said you couldn't love. Besides I don't think you have any plans on running do you" I shook my head and he smiled "Then I'd say your free to enjoy a little sun... As long as I can go with you" my smile faltered he ruined it, I was so ready to go out too. I rolled my eyes and shook my head "Don't trust me Klaus" I said looking back out the window "On the contrary love I don't trust your friends they were quite bent on making sure you started alive back in Mystic Falls no doubt they're trying to bring you home now" I thought about it and I knew he was right, they were probably moving hell and earth to find me.

"Fine" he smirked again and tossed me a bathing suit "I was hoping you'd see it my way" he said before leaving me to change. Surprising I figured he'd stay like the pig he is. I held the simple red colored bathing suit up. Not too revealing either, how did he know my size? Maybe... I shook off my thoughts not wanting to ask too many questions about how well Klaus knew my body. That was a can of worms I was going to leave closed. I changed looking at myself in the mirror until I saw something on my leg. It was a bite mark but not just any bite mark. The skin was raised like it had been there for a while and inside the bite was a wolf. A black wolf. It marred my skin impossible to miss, what was this? I touched it memories of that night flashing through me again. Klaus. He did this.

Yet a piece of me didn't want to show him. I have a feeling that he doesn't know I have it. I tied my shirt around waist and made sure it covered the mark. Whatever it is I'm going to keep it to myself until I figure out what it is.  I walked out my room wandering around a little until I saw Klaus downstairs reading. He'd closed his book upon hearing me looking up "Ah I thought you'd never finish. Really? What are you wearing that for?" I shrugged not really having an answer "I feel more comfortable this way" he sighed speeding up to be 3 inches from me "I've seen every inch of you already Elena why suddenly so shy" I pushed him away walking around him "Just because you've seen anything doesn't mean that I'm ok with you seeing it again" I said walking out into the sand.

As soon as my feet hit the ground I sighed the sun and wind making my trouble fall off my shoulders. I looked back to see him just watching me through the window. I frowned a little I thought he'd come out as well guess not. I walked out into the water sitting down on the edge where the sand and water meet. The sun was beating down on my skin but the water would relieve it. I sat there for who knows how long looking out at the water. I couldn't tell what this was, part of the ocean, part of the sea. I'd have to ask Klaus later, I didn't even want to know what it was called just what it was. I'd never seen an ocean before and if this was it I would like to know.

I got up when I felt like I'd had enough not wanting to burn my skin completely. When I came back inside Klaus was nowhere to be found. So I figured I'd look around, couldn't hurt to take a peek at the huge place we were in.

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