the future

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The group made their way through the thick brushes and bramble in the cold fall air as the moon stood in the sky, watching and waiting for something. No one, of course, knew what that something was. Except Blinky. He knew exactly how this was going to play out for he recently peered into the future. He walked behind the group, thinking of the darkness the group was about to meet. He should say something, anything to convince to group to turn back. He continued to walk with the group as he remembered what had happened.

"Welcome" The lady asked "to whom do owe this visit?". Blinky entered the cavern. "Ah. A troll, I haven't had any of the likes of you visit me in quite a long time".  "Forgive me for intruding, but I need your help" Blinky pleaded "do you know the Troll Hunter, Ms. Ramona?". The lady stood in her place and smiled "or course. He is a fine man and troll. You must be Blinky I presume?". Blinky questioned her knowing "yes, how did you know?". Ramona smiled "my sister, Namura, has told me much about you, and I am a psychic, you should have known this when you walked in my cavern." Blinky apologizesd for his unsmart thinking "yes well, I have come for I fear for are trollhunters future, I must know what is about to happen". Ramona quickly grabbed one of Blinky's hands and brought him to her table. "Yes. Yes. I will help you see." Blinky sat down as Ramona waved her hands around the crystal ball on the table. She mumbled unhearable words and finally, she finished and Blinky saw it all. James lake ruling with an zombie army alongside him. Gunmar emerged from The dead, and stood beside James and held him up for the flaming world to see. Mary and Darci where hung on a tree, dead and lifeless. Strickler and Namura had been possessed. Toby barely hanging on to life as he tried to awaken the Green Troll. Claire and Barbara on the floor, yelling ar Jim to not join his father. Then the crystal went black. "What!? What happened".  "We looked into your future" Ramona said "it went black because at that moment was when your life ended". Blinky sat down, utterly terrified at what he had just witnessed. Jim had went to find Claire and the other's. How would he tell them?

Blinky continued to walk in silence. "Come on Blinky, lets go" Claire called, smiling.
A small smile crept up the blue trolls face, it was Claire's bright  happy attitude that made him think, maybe we can the future.

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