Where is he

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"I need to know where your father is"
I said in a sturn voice

"I don't know where he is" Jim returned. Seriously, this guy has been attacking Arcadia for the last 2 years, how can he not know!?

" liar, I know you know where he is gym he's been attacking people for the past 2 years. There is no way you haven't seen him"

" fine, I don't know where he is but I know where he's been and if you really are an FBI agent then you should be able to figure it out yourself"

I grunt in frustration " you are nothing like the old Jim"

" 5 years can change a person, Claire"

" ugh, stay there I need to make a call" I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed the number.

"Hello?" The voice asked.

"Darci, get Toby, Barbara, strickler, and Mary and come over to my house first thing-"

" I can't go out during the day Claire " Jim interrupted " I turn into a troll during the day"

"Ugh, get those people and come to my house tomorrow night"

"Okay, What for?" She asked.

"You'll see, bye see you later"

"Bye" She replied before hanging up.

"Jim" I turned around and I was pinned against the wall.

"Jim!?" I yelled.

"There is another thing you should know. From 3 a.m. to 4 a.m., I'm a mix between Troll and human and I am anything but nice"

He has a human face but troll claws and horns. His eyes where red and he had fangs. He scratched my leg and makes Me groan. I sigh then kick him and knock him out.



I have so many Fanfictions that I am writing and it's hard to balance them to school so. Hope you enjoyed.

300 words

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