Lets go

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Jim's P.O.V: I awoke to a door opening, I sat up and remembered I was in Claire's apartment, we're about 5 f5 go find my Dad, or something. I get up and sit on her bed as a group of people enter the room

"Where have you been, young atlas?" strickler asks..

"I've been protecting the city, like my job, but you no one noticed"

My mom then pulls me into a hug "oh, my beautiful boy, I'm so proud of you"

I had nothing to say, so I just gave her a hug back. I actually smiled, happy to see all these families faces.

"Now, Down to business" Claire began "where is James lake"

"I know, Get geared up or whatever, I'll take you to him, we'll have to make a small stop before that though" I say

"Why, we don't have time for a pit stop" Claire objected.

"You'll like it, trust me" I smirk and take my amulet out if my satchel.

"For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command" I say loud as the silver and blue armor forms around my body. I land on the ground with a smile on my face. I hate my Dad, And After 5 years, we'll finally get him.

Claire's P.O.V:
Ugh stupid Jim and his stupid armor and his stupid dad and his stupid cute face. I just want Arcadia to go back to normal but he is not helping. This little shortcut we are taking had better be worth it or I'm gonna be pissed and I'm gonna slice someone's throat

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