Chapter 5: Nap time!

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(Blair's POV)
I open my eyes to see I was in Cross's alt mode and he was 'driving'.

He looked over at me,"Hey there kiddo? You sleepin' okay?"he asked as I turn looking at him.

"I still feel tired as if I ran a mile to the moon and back."I said and he chuckled.

"That the meds doc gave ya working it's magic."he said before I look back to see Hide's alt mode driving next to use on the highway.

"You living kid?"he ask as I gave a thumbs up, "Good cause we have another three hours till we get to the house.".

House? Wait? Does that mean I am living with a house full of male bots?

I act like I was tired,"Okay..."I said before I lean my head on the seat. I heard two engines roar pass use and I sit up seeing the twins go racing.

Drift and Hot Rod was behind Crosshairs and Ironhides peacefully acting normal.

I look at the twins and I snicker,"Cross. I bet you could out run them."I whispered and he smirk. With one gear moved he speed up pass the twins.

I was laughing watch the two try to catch up. The other three look back trying to chase after use.

If this how my new life is going to be I am perfectly fine with it.

Specially when I get to watch two twins look at me shock. I look out the window smiling to see two confuse two young adults.

Sides had red hair and unlike his brother Sunny had yellow blonde hair.

Crosshairs smirk again,"See ya'all at the house!"he said racing down the road over some new pathes.

Holding onto my seat belt I calm down leaning on the seat seeing him look at me.

With a worried face he slow down alittle bit letting the twins pass him.

I gasp,"Come on! I know you can beat them!"I said sitting up till he sigh smiling.

"I know. You need to get some more rest."he said and I sigh moving a blanket over me. Curling up in the seat and having a pillow ready I could hear the twins already gone.

Closing my eyes I heard the hum of the engine.

But...I couldn't fall asleep. I felt a stomach pain that going to bother me if I don't eat something.

"Cross, is there anything I can eat?"I asked him and he look at me.

"What? Are you hungry?"he ask as I gave a simple nod.

"Is there anyway you can wait till we get to the house? I'll have Dridt make you something."he said as I heard Drift rev in protest.

"I will not cook any food!"he said on the comm link.

Ironhides growled,"Prime brought you with use. So your going to help use, she just asking for alittle thing to eat."he stated and I don't know if this would help.

"Please, Drift."I plea with my weak voice and I heard mumbling from the comm link.

"Fine..."he said and I smiled.

"Thank you Drift."I said and he mumble again.

I heard the twins snicker before Ironhides drove both them off the road. We all turned towards the

This is the longest road or driveway I have been on.

We finally made it to the house and we all parked at the house. I seen a large garage and the house it on top of it.

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