Chapter 2: All hail tears of an Angel

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(Blair's POV)
I walk down the one hallway and sat off the railings of the upper stairs of the place and did my best to hide.

I hate myself for crying but I am scared of my own brother.

I can't trust him or my family.

They look like good people but they came from hell.

All I want is to be free of the chains of painful memories.

I lean my head onto the cold metal pole and it became quiet when I felt warm tears go down my face.

My hand was in wrappings and I watch touch it feeling it being every sore like before. Before I knew it I heard two pairs of steps walking down the hallway.

I glance behind me to see the twins stopping and looking at me. The red one looked at me and I did my best to hide my face.

He spotted the tears and whispered to his brother, 'She leaking. What are we suppose to do?'.

The yellow bot stop and looked at me,"Why are you crying?"he said out loud and I covered my mouth.

The red one wacked him in the side of the head,"You can't just ask a girl that."he said slowly noticing me getting up.

"Sorry, I'll just go back the my bunker."I said slowly walking towards the long hallway.

The red one stop me,"No! Sunny help me! We can't just leave her leaking."he said.

The yellow one grumbled,"Don't call me that."he said and looked at me straight in the face,"So women walks into a bar and there is steaks on the roof. The women ask the bartender," Why are the steaks on the roof?". The bartender said,"It is a challenge. Whoever jumps up and touche a steak on the roof. We'll cookie it up the way you like it and for free."he smiled,"So are you going to try and jump up for one?". The women shook her head no,"No the steaks are too high.".

I made a straight face and looked at him. Then I slowly started to realize it.

His brother started to laugh and the yellow bot gave a smile as I am still crying and laughing at the same time.

"Oh my God."I said coughing in a few words laughing. The twins seem to be amused by me laughing.

"I can't believe it, That was funny, thanks that made me feel alot better."he said as I smiled.

He nod,"Alright, Sides."he nudge him to say something.

"Oh! My name is Sideswipe and this is my twin, Sunstreaker.But I call him Sunny."he said.

I smiled,"I'm Blair."I said and they looked at me and I grin brightly.

I was fighting the tears inside as I look at them. They spend about 30 minutes telling me jokes and I laugh to everyone of them.

"Wow."I said and the heard their name being called over a speaker.

"We got to go, see you around Blair."they said walking down stairs.

I slowly walk back to my room and seen no one was there.

Sitting down onto the little seat in front of the piano and I started to play.

Pressing the notes I sort of thought that I needed to work on it and then I played the notes faster.

Humming to the song I just let the words play in my head.

The door open and I still had tests in my eyes so I kept playing. Looking behind me I seen Optimus and Ratchet walk in with Crosshairs.

I question what they were doing nut they seem to stop when I was playing. Ratchet was listening and looked at me,"Nice playing, do you know any other songs?"he ask.

I nod playing a slower tune that only seem to cause them shock.

Optimus walked in and moved something into my sight. The other two bots walked out of the room.

"Blair, what happened?"he ask and I remember why I wanted him to get out. I stop playing the note,"It might be better if I told you the whole side of the story."I said.

Sitting at only one note I sigh,"It was just like every other day. Going to school, work, and homework, and all that. It was Friday that my brother invited me to his friends' house. I thought it was a normal get together. was different."I sigh relaxing my shoulders,"He and his friends were drinking as normal when one of them kept on flirting with me and.... As soon as...I am sorry this is a hard topic to talk about."I said moving to close the piano.

Optimus Prime nod standing up, "I understand, I am sorry that had to happen to you. Please, if you need anything let me know." he said walking out the door with Ratchet looking at me.

Kneeling down he gave me a tazer,"If anything happens. I know you will contact one of use."he said.

I watch him walk out the door and I seen Crosshairs looked tick off and I held the tazer.

"We gonna make some rules. Rule one: No stinking back stabbing brothers allowed here. Rule two: You have to go to bed by 9:30 p.m. Rule Three: Don't trust any decepticons."he said and I nod.

Looking at the time.

10:30 p.m.

I walk up the stairs and pulled out some PJs and head to the bathroom to change.

Crosshairs was sitting looking at the different things around my room.

Once I step out I put my clothes into a basket and walk towards the water bed.

Laying down I sigh looking up at the roof and heard the sound of thunder roll into the sky as tiny windows show grey blocking any view of the sun. Droping rain.

I paused feeling tireness put me to sleep...

Stay awake.

I snapped my eyes open when I looked around seeing nothing but a sleeping Crosshairs.

What? Who said that?

No one answered.

I lay down in bed and tried to fall asleep again.

This time I put the pillow over my head.


Stay awake..your in danger.

I open my eyes and heard the door open slightly. I lifted the pillow to see a human like figurring come to move the blanket. I quickly reacted.

First I use my foot and kick the person away from me and then I punch the person square in the nose. Crosshairs woke up and notice me pinning a guy to the railing. The light turn on and it was....

"Let go of me Blair-hic- sheesh..." Tommy said and I frown looking down at the door.

My guardian frown,"You interrupted my recharging...."he said grabbing the two and my brother. I watch him walk down the hallway before I sight going to grab a wipe to clean up the blood on the ground.

I looked up to see the twins peek in through the door,"What the heck? You okay?"Sideswipe said opening the door to where they seen me cleaning.

"No. My brother came out of nowhere drunk and was trying to kidnapped me."I said frowning and they both looked back to see my brother complaining.

Sunstreaker looked at me confused,"Wait? Your Tommy's sister? You don't even look like him."he said and I lower my head.

"Yeah, guess that only good part about it."I said putting the wipes in the trashcan. Both twins looked at each other and to me," Do you want use to tell him to leave you alone?"he said.

I looked at them shock,"R-really? You'll do that?"I said. They both nod and started to walk,"Wait."I said seeing them looking at me.

"Don't take what he says to you two seriously, cause he is a big wimp who can't do anything."I said seeing both them smiling.

They went off and I lay back down to get some sleep.

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