Chapter 3: Long lost...

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(Blair's POV)
I woke up with sounds of red lights and alarm going off. Crosshairs was standing still the door and frown,"Kid, packs bag! Cons are in the building!"he said and I hurried over to the closet taking clothes and extra stuff before looking at him aiming something towards the hallway.

He looked at me and scoop me up in his hand before putting me in his subspace. All I could hear was the sound of footsteps and the echo guns shoots.

I gasp when he must of jump fighting someone. I held onto the side of his subspace hoping the other Autobots are okay. Closing my eyes I heard the sounds of metal hissing and clashing together. I open them to see the his green alt rushing out onto the road before he decided to do down an old road in the woods. I was sure enough that something bad happen.

Looking back I seen Sideswipe and Sunstreaker follow use down the same path only jumping through the bush and I look to my left seeing a unfamiliar black car. The windows were tinted from front to back before the car started to change form. Grasping into the seat I watch the car turn to a decepticon.

The twins transform already going to attack the con but the con gave them a slip heading towards Crosshairs and me.

Crosshairs turned down towards an old warehouse before transforming. "Run!Run!"he said before going into combact with the con. I ran towards a building only to have realized that a alittle bot was coming after me. I pulled out my gun and shoot the thing in the eye.

I must of pissed it off cause it started to rip my clothes and dig into my skin before I ran into a giant pile of metal pipes. I curl up into a ball to protect myself before the metal pipes came down towering over me.

My eyes open to see I was trap under a metal pipes with a dead bot. Looking at his hand I found a thingy so I took it before found a hole to try and slip out of. My back and sides were covered in blood that stain the metal pipes red.

"Crosshairs!"I called my guardian to see him running over before I gasp falling off the pile. He looked around and put his servo doen,"I'll get you to the doc. You just keep breathing okay."he said before I nod.

I look over to the con and then, "Watch out!"somehow I had the force to push Crosshairs out of the way of a missile.

He looked at me and curse under his breath shooting at the con.

Then...we left going towards a place with what I expected as a special place to hide in plain sight.

I seen familiar alts sitting near a old building beside a few house on another side of a fence.

Crosshairs quickly drive into the base and to who I seen Ratchet that looked at use shock. A fee things I seen before he gave me to Ratchet was...

One, him explaining something.
Two, my sides feeling like they were on fire.
Three, I had to get stitches all over the wounds I had.

Four....the item I had was given to Optimus and he looked at me. With a rather surprised and thankful face.

After that I blacked out seeing nothing but darkness and some comfort.

(Crosshairs's POV)
I was sitting on a chair near a berth that Blair was using since she just had stitches on those marks the tiny cons did go her.

I hissed at the thought them almost stealing a part of the sword. And lucky, Blair took it back from it.

She now asleep and soon to wake up after two days of resting.

I am well aware she saved my aft from getting sniped by a con. Glancing over at her I could see the stitches on her side. Quietly I moved the blanket over her to keep any soldier from seeking.

I also have heard that her brother is in big trouble. He was trying to steal the sword but caught unware by a tiny con.

I heard a small grunt and I turn to see Blair awake and hissed at the pain,"Just stay in bed, kid. Won't help if you move. Those stitches are going go have go stay there."I said as she looked at the door. Ratchet was coming in,"I couldn't have said it any better. How are you feeling Blair?"he asked.

She sigh,"My whole back hurts and so does my hand."she said before Ratchet scanned her whole body sighing.

"I can see that. Crosshairs, why don't you go-","I rather stay here."I said and Ratchet shrug as I watch him look at her wounds.

I am well aware that I made sure no one came through that door. Optimus knocked on the door seeing the stitches go down her back.

"Good morning Blair."he said as she gave a light smile before going back to lay down. Optimus, Ratchet and her talked about what happen and I just look at her slowly falling asleep.

"You get some rest. I'll be back tomorrow to check up on you." Ratchet said closing the door.

She looked over at me,"Do I really have to fall asleep?"she said.

I gave a smirk,"I know, but he the  medic."I said as she nod. Blair looked up at the roof before even thinking of sleeping.

Out of nowhere the twins ran into the room and jump onto the bed scaring the living daylights out of her.

I got off the seat and pulled them by their holoforms' collars down to the floor.

They looked at me and I frown, "What gotten over you man!" Sides said as his twin looked at me shock.

Ratchet looked and gasp as he looked at me.

Blair slowly sit up and calmed me down,"Easy Crosshairs, they were just curious."she said before I grunt letting go of there collars.

She watch the two rub the backs of their necks,"Man. What gotten into you. You are never that rough to use."Sunshine said before I growl.

Ratchet step in looking at all three of them,"If this keeps up I will take her to a separate room than yours Crosshairs. Do you understand. And you two need to becareful, she is suffering quite a few stitches."he said.

I grumble sitting on the berth while the twin sat on the couch.

We all nod agreeing but little Blair roll her eyes,"It's alright Ratchet, they'll behave."she said with a normal looking face.

He nod closing the door and she turn to use looking at the twins.

"I guess you didn't hear?" Sideswipe said sitting down on the couch.

Sunstreaker shrug,"Ironhides said he would be here in a second."he said.

I looked at the two with a complete and confused face.

"What in the primes are you two talking about?"I exclaimed to see them look at her.

"Optimus order we separated and hide. The decepticons are searching for use. And we were given to specially with you and Ironhide."they said and I frown.

I took my hand and face palm,"What have I gotten myself into..."I said and Blair looked at them....

Sideswipe smiled,"Oh! And Optimus told use to tell you that we have to find a spot that has a house for Blair to stay in. Mostly..."he said.

She looked at them shock,"Cross." Blair said while I turn my helm looking at her,"Are the decepticons coming back to get use?".

I sigh,"Kid, I hate to lie but I don't want to answer. But I will tell you that I won't let them even lay a finger on you. Got it."I said seeing her nod.

Ironhides came in after she fell asleep,"Youngest is finally asleep. Then I can tell ya that we are leaving in three days. Optimus sent two groups out after midday. Hound and Drift are coming with use for support. We're next, and I am gonna let you know. We need to get some stuff since we're the only one with a human."I stop him.

"Only one? What about the solider? And her brother?"I asked him.

He grunt upset and looked down...

"There only but a handful left. Her brother...was one of the first to offline."he said.

I paused letting it set in my mind and I looked back at her laying peacefully recharging.

Oh, scrap.

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