If The Double Decker Bus, Crashes Into Us

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"So you're Dean?" Gabriel asked with a smirk.
"Where's Cas?" Dean demanded, his face white with worry, he was out of breath, he had run here from the car.
"Relax, dude, he's in his room."
"WHAT?! You left him alone? God! You're an idiot!"
Gabriel stared at him wide eyed.
Dean growled and pushed past him into the room.
"Make some peppermint tea, dick-wad Gabriel!" he called.
One he opened the door to his room Castiel was a sobbing mess in the middle of the floor, a sketch book in front of him.
Castiel was in a daze, he didn't look up.
Dean carefully approached him, crouching down next to him and placing a gentle hand on his boyfriends shoulder.
Suddenly, Cas' eyes snapped up to him, tears still running down his cheeks.
"Can you talk?" Dean asked concern in his eyes.
The shorter man shook his head.
"Okay, Gabriel should be making you some tea. Just breath, Cas. You can do it." he squeezed his hand.
Castiel shakily grabbed a hold of Dean and pulled himself closer.
The blonde wrapped his arms protectively around him, rocking back and forth on the ground slowly.
Gabriel cautiously entered the room.
"Here's the tea."
Dean glared at him and grabbed it out of his hands, the shorter man retreated.
"Your fuckin' siblings... I don't see the appeal." he growled.
He handed the tea to Castiel and rubbed his shoulder.
The shorter man took tiny sips and deep breaths, finally calming at Dean's touch.
Still shakily, Cas leaned up and kissed Dean gently.
"Are you okay?" Dean asked.
"No, but..I-I'm a b-bit better now that you-are here." he managed.
Dean kissed him on the forehead, and then looked him in the eyes.
"Can you tell me what happened?"
He took a shaky breath.
"We all went to dinner, and there was this lesbian couple sitting a few booths away, and my mother was being extremely rude and laughing at them. I told her to stop and she said I had no right to say anything because I used to be a fag. She said that if-" he choked. "if I was still a fag she would have to beat it out of me. I got up and left so I wouldn't make a...a scene."
Cas broke into another fit of sobs.
"Oh, Cas baby." he hugged him tightly, combing his fingers through the mess of raven hair.
Anna and Gabriel listened outside the door, glancing at each other with strange expressions.
Dean and Castiel were sitting in his living room with Anna and Gabriel.
"So, Cassie, who is this?" Gabriel asked with a smirk.
"Evidemment, il s'appelé Dean." Castiel snarked in french. (Obviously, his name is Dean.)
"English please." the golden haired man snapped.
"Enfant." he said under his breath. "Vous êtes stupide" (Child, you are extremely stupid.)
Dean giggled and threw his arm around his boyfriends shoulders.
He loved how smart the blue eyed man was.
Anna seemed mildly amused by the whole thing.
"Oui, Gabriel, vous êtes extrêmement stupide." she chuckled. (Yes, Gabriel, you are extremely stupid)
Castiel winked at her.
"You guys! I know your calling me stupid just stop frenching about it already!!" Gabriel whined.
"Nah, I like it, Frenchie." Dean said, lovingly, and kissed him. "Besides, we're going back to my place soon anyway."
"Castiel? Are you sure? Mother isn't going to be happy with you..." said Anna. "I mean I'm all for it...but...she's going to be so pissed. She'll be looking for you, later I'm sure."
"I don't care." he wrapped his arms tightly around Dean.
Castiel was set up on the couch with some tea, a blanket, and some terrible cartoons.
He hadn't said anything in an hour.
"Is he...okay?" Sam whispered.
"He was before, now...I'm not really sure. I'm just glad I got him away. He was really freaking out." Dean explained, shooting a worried glanced the blue eyed man's way.
"Well, I'll be in my room if you need me." the younger announced, and Dean nodded.
He walked out into the living room.
A single tear was rolling down his boyfriends cheek, his tea left untouched.
He glanced up slowly, and started crying hysterically.
Dean knelt next to him,turned off the T.V., collected him in his arms and rubbed his head gently.
"Let's go to bed, Frenchie. C'mon." He lifted him carefully and carried him to his bedroom.
"She's going to find out. She's going to come after me, and probably you too." Castiel mumbled.
Dean shut him up with a kiss, and made them both comfortable under the blankets of his bed.
"I won't let her hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you. Just relax. You're safe here, I promise." he whispered.
"Let's be real. I'm not safe unless she's cities, states away, Dean."
Hours later, Dean was asleep, snoring peacefully. Castiel glanced at him, blue eyes wide open and glowing in the pale moonlight.
He got out of the bed, and waltz carefully over to the window, he gazed out.
He couldn't stay here. Not when he was like this. He deserved to be alone. He couldn't put this on Dean anymore.
He slipped on his shoes, grabbed Dean's hoodie, and walked out of the apartment.
Castiel left his things there on purpose.
He didn't want anyone to come looking for him.
The Novak walked down the street, mindlessly turning corners and alleyways until he was standing in front of his apartment building.
He made his way inside, the door opened with a click. He had a habit of keeping it unlocked.
Castiel flicked on a light somewhere, and put The Smiths into his C.D. player. He turned the volume up so that he couldn't hear any outside noises.
He locked himself in the bathroom, turned off the lights, and sat in the empty bathroom.
"Driving in your car, I never, never want to go home."

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