Prepare for Battle

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"Cas, baby your phone is ringing." Dean mumbled, sleepily.

Castiel reached across the bed and grabbed his phone from the nightstand, and pressed the call button.

"Hello?" he grumbled.

"Castiel! Finally! I was waiting for your call yesterday! If you have other plans please let me know instead of being rude!"

His eyes widened.

"I am sorry mother." his hands squeezed into nervous fists "I lost track of time, I must have forgotten."

"Disappointing. I thought that I had taught you better! No matter, we should discuss further plans."

Castiel wanted to cry, to shout and tell her to fuck off.


He got up off the bed and wandered into the other room.

Dean glared at the phone in his boyfriends hands with utter disgust.

That bitch. He hated Castiel's parents for hurting him, and now that they were interrupting their morning cuddle time...well, they weren't exactly earning points.

He heard a lot of "Yes Mother." as he got up, and got dressed. He could also here Castiel's shaky breath. He wanted to throw the phone across the room and collected his angel in his arms, and sooth him.

Finally, Dean heard a beep when Castiel hung the phone up, and he walked carefully into the living room.

His boyfriend turned to him.

"Well, the good news is," he choked. "When Lucifer, my mother and father come, they won't be staying with me. That's a plus...I suppose."

Then all of a sudden, the shorter man broke down int a fit of tears.

Dean rushed to gather him close to his chest.

"Shhh, Cas baby, it's gonna be okay! I promise! We'll get through his. How long are the bitches gonna stay?"

Cas took a breath.

"F-five...days" he stuttered.

"Only five days of torture, then it'll be over. No matter what you decide to do. It'll only be five days." he tried.

Castiel only nuzzled his face into Dean's chest.

Finally, he looked up at him, bright blue eyes clouded with fear.

"I just want to be with you, Dean. I don't want anyone, or anything to come between us. But...I am afarid of what my brother and parents might do if I tell them. I do not want you to get hurt, and I would like to avoid it myself as well."

"I know Frenchie. If you don't want to tell them I understand, but I'll be here for you no matter what, okay? I love you." he cupped his cheek, and Castiel leaned into the touch.

"I love you too, Dean. I love you more than anything." he pressed their lips together softly.

"What day will they be here?"

"Wednesday." he said quietly. It was Monday.

"Wednesday." Dean repeated.

Castiel kissed him once more, and his boyfriends eyes sparkled with concern.

"We will be okay, Cas. I promise." he flicked a tear away from the raven haired man's face. "Now c'mon, get ready, I'll drive you to class."


Class went by too quickly.

"Castiel! Hey! What's up?" Charlie called, approaching him in the hallway.

Sandstorms- Destiel- SupernaturalWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu