Since The Beginning

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Castiel Novak really needed to stop sketching his boyfriend.

Seriously, his whole sketchbook was filled with green eyes, and freckles, and tan skin.

It was getting a little bit scary, expect, Dean didn't think that.

His whole face would light up when he saw the sketches, and he just called Cas a dork and told him to get a job.

Then, his boyfriend would remind him that he actually did have a job. They both had jobs.

They would laugh, and kiss, and then make some tea.

Castiel was happy.

Really, really happy, for probably the first time in his life.

He would dance around his kitchen to whatever Led Zeppelin song Dean had left on his Ipod, and smile way too much.

Work was going better, considering that Cas didn't fake his smiles anymore, and there was a spring in his step and music in his voice.

He was given more tips, even though his parents had just sent their monthly cash check, Cas was still really proud of himself.

This in turn, made him smile even more, which made Dean want to kiss him even more.

It was bliss.


Castiel bought a Polaroid camera on the internet.

He was really excited about it.

He had plans to drag Dean to the beach, take a million pictures of him, and then hang them up all over his apartment.

Dean and Castiel basically lived together, always ending up at someones house, in bed together, snuggling tightly.

When Dean didn't have to work, in the morning, he would make Cas breakfast and walk him to school.

When Cas didn't have to work, in the afternoon, he and Dean would go somewhere, anywhere, and just run around kissing, and dancing.

Today, Cas was lying on Dean's lap, in the middle of the park, gazing up at the clouds.


Castiel's eyes shifted to the freckled beautiful next to him.


"Uh, well, I wrote this It's pretty good and everything. This editor dude is gonna take a look at it, and uh yeah um..."

Castiel sat up, and so did Dean.

"That's amazing! Why are you all flustered, then? Explain. When you ramble like that it usually means you are embarrassed or it is something important."

"You know me too well." he blushed at the ground.


"Alright, well, the thing's uh, kind of about you..."

Castiel blinked in surprise, a light blush spreading across his cheeks, he smiled at the grass.

"That's...I don't even..." he started, shifting his gaze to meet his boyfriend's emerald eyes. "I love you!"

He tackled the taller man on to the ground and kissed him tenderly.

Finally, the shorter man let him go,and lied down next to him in the grass.

"No one has ever done something like that for me before. It mean's a lot to me, and well...I don't know. Your just so incredibly sweet, romantic, talented, not to mention beautiful. I can't even..." he kissed him once more. "You are everything."

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