He's Still Here (Larry's Side)

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Therapist: I understand this must be very hard for you Larry. Loosing someone so close can have a....lasting effect on ones life. Especially someone as close as your brother was to you. *The Therapist shifts in her seat, feeling almost uncomfortable with her new patience and the...horrific experience he had*. Larry, I'd like you to tell me everything, even if you think I won't believe it. I need to hear it all.

Larry: *Has been sitting silently for a good 20minutes now with his head down. The Les Twins brothers had been known for keeping their chins up and walking tall. Larry, was a mess, exhausted from lack of sleep, night terrors and depression kicking him every second of the day. How could he walk tall without the person he walked tall for?*
It's been a month. A whole damn month without my brother. Already I feel as if I don't want to live anymore. I live because I know he want me to. I live for him, he and my daughter. That's it.

Therapist: *Nods heavily in focus*. I understand......

Larry: No! You do not understand! This hasn't happened to you, not something like this..... *Larry realized he was shouting and was quick to take a deep, shuttered breath before continuing*. I feel....like I am loosing my mind. He's not here....yet...he is.
I wake up.....night after night from bad dreams. No ones there yet it feel like someone's holding me. I feel....warm, protected like L..... *Swallows hard* Like Lau is there with me. I hear him sometimes, at home when no ones in the house, outside like a whisper in the wind. He's here......

Therapist: *Looks concerned about Larry's well being as she jots down notes. She sighs and looks up.*. Larry.....do you truthfully believe this is your brother? His spirit? Or do you believe a traumatic experience I've that you haven't had the time to let go off is haunting your mind? Causing you to see and hear things?

Larry: *Pauses and thinks for a moment before looking up at the therapist with tears in his eyes and a bloodshot look that made the therapist silent/freeze in her seat.*
I've seen him.....I may be walking at night and hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and for a split moment....I see him. He was there....my brother, my soulmate, my blood. He was there! Not a memory, couldn't be. It was him, I saw Laurent with not a drop of blood on him. He was....healed. Healthy....

Libre (Free)

Therapist: *As if on command, a cold draft entered the room causing both the Therapist and Larry to shiver. She raised a brow looking towards the window to see if she had left one open a crack, but no such luck. She brushed it off and continued her work.*
Perhaps what you saw...was your mind playing you an image of what to you were desperately hoping to see. An image of your brother, alive and well.

Larry: *His eyes meet her's as his voice comes out softer this time, with a hint of hope well mixed with fear.*

I wished I could believe you.....but I know what my own eyes saw. Laurent's soul has attached to me. Our bond is to strong for even death to break.

Il ne veut pas lâcher ni moi (He won't let go, neither will I....)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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