Dinah: they kissed! And she captured it! Look!



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Dinah: Can I kill them now, Chancho?

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Dinah: Can I kill them now, Chancho?

Dinah: Mila?

Dinah: Walz, wake the fuck up this is big news!!

Dinah: ughhhhh

Dinah: bitch

I stared at the pictures, I felt my grip tighten on my phone. I saw nothing but red as I stared at my phone.

"Mila? Chanch...you still there?"

"I-I..." I stared at my phone, unable to form words. I felt tears fill my eyes, my jaw clenched tightly. I heard the sound of a car door slam and I felt a surge of anger fill me, "I'm gonna have to call you back, Dinah."

"What? Mila, are you okay? I'm coming over now. Don't do anything stupid, Camila. I mean it."

I heard the sound of keys in the door and I hung up the phone on Dinah. I set the bottle of apple juice down on the counter. I put my phone in my pocket. I heard laughter. Ariana and Pete's. I walked out into the living room, my jaw and fists clenched angrily.

"Mila! Baby-," Ariana said as she looked at me. I didn't give her a chance to finish talking as I stalked over to Pete. I brought my arm back and brought my fist into his nose, "Camila! What the hell?!" Ariana screamed. I didn't pay her any attention, I kept my eyes on the blond who thought it was okay to fuck my girl.

"Fuck! What the fuck, you psycho bitch?" He grumbled as he rubbed his nose, he pulled his hand away and looked down to see blood on it.

"That's for sleeping with my girlfriend," I said and I stepped towards him. I grabbed his shoulders and brought my knee up into his crotch.

"Fuck!" He doubled over, falling to his knees as he grabbed his balls.

"That's for being a bitch and probably getting her pregnant," I said. Pete groaned and grunted as he leaned forward, his head resting on the ground. Ariana raced to his side and rubbed his back, grabbing his arm with her free hand.

"Who told you this?" Ariana asked, looking up at me.

"It doesn't fucking matter who told me. What matters is that it fucking happened. You cheated on me. With this piece of shit. I can't believe you. After everything I've done for you. Everything I was going to do. I loved you, Ariana! I just-," I rubbed my temples, shaking my head, "How long?"


"How fucking long, Ariana?!"

"Three years..."

I felt my heart shatter at that. I scoffed and shook my head, "T-three...three years? God. I'm so stupid," I rubbed my hand down the side of my face, turning away from the happy couple.

"Camila...baby," I felt a hand grab my bicep, "It wasn't even like that. I was...you just-,"

"I just what, Ari?!" I spun around and glared at the shorter brunette, "What was it that I didn't do? Huh? Let me here this! Please tell me."

"You weren't showing me enough love and attention! It was like I didn't matter anymore."

"Oh no," I shook my head, "Don't you dare pin that on me. You were the one who decided work was more important than our relationship. You wanted the space and I gave it to you. The second you wanted to be around me more, I would have complied instantly. I would have done anything for you, Ariana. This is your fault. Not mine."

"Baby...I'm sorry. Can't you just forgive me?" Ariana said as she grabbed my arm, looking up at me. I shook my head, taking a step away from her.

"No. Right now. I can't. I want you out. I paid for this house. It's mine and in my name. I want you and everything you own gone. Take the car, take whatever. Go stay with Pete or your family. I don't care. Just...be gone by the time I come back. I hope you're happy with the way you've ruined us," I said and I turned around, grabbing my keys off the key hook. I walked to the front door, grabbing the door-handle.

"You said you'd never break up with me!" Ariana shouted.

"And you said you'd love me forever and never cheat," I said. I turned my head slowly and looked back at my now ex, "Guess we both made promises we couldn't keep."

I opened the door and walked out of my house. I walked down the pathway to my car. I climbed inside and started it. I revved the engine and pulled off out of the driveway, speeding down the street.

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