Chapter 4

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Takuma ordered a simple tequila and slowly sipped it elegantly. Seeing such a beautiful man, a few of the guest were enchanted. One was even bold enough to approach the man.

"Hey handsome, care for a drink?"

Takuma turned his head to see a man with flamboyant clothing which turned him off immediately. He ignored the man and continued to drink his tequila.

The man was annoyed and slightly embarrassed for being ignored by the handsome man. Before he could say anything, a tall figure's shadow covered both of them. The man with flamboyant clothes quickly made a dash leaving Takuma and the other man alone.

Takuma saw a dark figure over his shoulder and turned to his side to see a handsome profile. His chiseled jaw and hair framed his face nicely. Along with a perfectly shaped nose, he was a number one candidate for husband material. His sharp gaze caught everyone's attention. Even without saying a word, he exuded confidence and a slight killing aura. Anyone could see he was a dangerous figure, but they were blinded by his strong and powerful body. He was quickly surrounded by women and men. However, a slight movement of his eyes scared all the customers away.

Takuma, sadly, knew who this man is. He was sat across from his target yesterday. He sighed as he knew the man was probably not happy for having his companion killed in front of him. Takuma downed the rest of his drink and wanted to leave, but the other held his hand. Takuma regretted staying in this city.

"Stay." The masculine voice shot chills down his spine, but his expression didn't change. Takuma glanced his eyes down at the man's fingers and didn't see a ring adorning his finger. He was shocked that such a man doesn't have a lover or a wife.

Tsuzuki looked at the slim figure next to him and smiled that the other wasn't tense at all. Usually, people would be shivering and peed their pants by now. He was impressed by the other's expressionless face. He was also slightly surprised because the slim body of the other didn't look like he had any power, but he knew that Takuma had hidden power inside his body.

This was the first time that they met, and this was the beginning of their story.



His secretary's voice snapped him out of his memories. His eyes lingered on the dead body and finally stood up and told his men to burn the body.

"Tsuzuki-sama, the two American mafia bosses started a war between each other and Takuma-sama was in the middle when it occurred."

Hanamura didn't dare look at his boss's face.

"Bring them both to me."

Back in Japan, Takuma searched the whole house, but he wasn't able to find the watch anywhere. After getting a few abnormal glances from Hei, he finally gave up. He decided to go to work today since he had rested for a few days and Tsuzuki seemed to have disappeared. He hadn't come home for a few days and he was getting bored cooped up at home.

Leaving around 9:50 A.M., Takuma walked to the café with Hei tailing behind him. When he entered, the energetic boy behind the cashier beamed at him. The man had dark red hair with sunglasses covering his phoenix eyes. He had a black choker around his neck making him quite sexy.

"Yoshiyuki-kun! You're back!" Zi Lin gave him a hug and Takuma awkwardly stood there unsure where his hands should go. He wasn't used to be in an intimate position with anyone even a hug was weird because he rarely interacted with anyone.

Zi Lin was used to his stiff friend and didn't mind it.

"Yuki-kun! I miss you!" Takuma was confused who the person was since he didn't have Yoshiyuki's memories, so he just stared in silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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