Chapter 28 - Reactions

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"A real crock of shit, that's what that is

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"A real crock of shit, that's what that is." Tess cringed as Dylan lashed out. "We should've known this'd be a waste of time."

After telling Jimmy about the day she lost Ricky in the field, he had convinced her to tell the others. Tess hadn't been able to tell if he had believed her, but he hadn't ridiculed her and that was something. So, reluctantly, she had done what she had come to do - she had told Charlie (and the remaining horde of cousins) what she had seen. She told them about hide and seek in the woods, her journey through the gooseberry brambles, the unkindness of crows, and the vanishing radio station. She had told them everything that she could think to say, even the bit about Ricky's lock of hair drying in the sun as the station drifted away. Yet whereas Jimmy had listened and accepted her words, the group seemed less inclined to remain a passive audience.

"Fuck this, Charlie," Dylan continued. "We should've just stayed at practice."

"Dylan," Charlie started, as if asking for him to ease up; but Dylan would not be assuaged.

"No. Don't even start, bud." Dylan shook his head. "You can't buy this crap."

"I didn't say I did," Charlie said. "It's just —"

"—Just nothing. As I said, a crock of shit."

"Shove it, Dylan." This came from Jimmy, and with this outburst came a moment of respite. Tess soaked in the quiet, even as she scooted further into the back of the treehouse, seeking safety in removal from the argument. The quiet didn't last.

"He has a point, Jimmy." Tina gathered her books and hitched her backpack over her shoulder as she spoke. "This is all pretty absurd."

"Yeah," Dylan seconded, reinvigorated by the support. "Bat shit crazy is more like it."

"Dylan, please..." Charlie, again.

"Jesus, man." Jimmy piped in. "Don't beg. Just tell the prick to shut up."

Dylan turned to Jimmy all spit and bile. "Fuck you, man. Any other day and I'd toss your ass right over that balcony."

"Try it."

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