Chapter 17 - Belief (Part 3)

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The station flickered

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The station flickered.


One moment it stood there in all it's aged glory and the next it was gone.

Then back again.

Like someone had grabbed the clicker and was thumbing through the channels. Only there were only two: abandoned field, and abandoned radio station.

They really needed to get cable. Or Netflix.

It flickered again, then, at last remained. At least for a moment.

With each blink in and out of existence Tess watched. More, she searched. She looked for any sign of Ricky. Would she be able to see him as it faded in and out of existence, a translucent echo of her cousin caught in the shifting reality of that building? Perhaps. It made about as much sense as anything else she'd seen since cutting through those gooseberries up above.

And he had to be here. He had to.

Tess didn't buy that nonsense about the rich sicko that they were saying took him. Neither her mom nor dad would tell her anything about him - not her aunts or uncles either - but word traveled in a small town. The sheriff's office was saying some sicko with kiddie videos (whatever those were) had taken Ricky, but that was nonsense. Ricky had been here and they'd been alone.

Plus, she'd seen his hair. No, he had been in that radio station no matter what anyone else thought. No matter what they were willing to believe.

She knew the truth.

The station flickered again. As it faded back up from nothing, through the fog of the chain-link Tess swore she could see a shadow move behind the gap of boards in the great window. As before, someone was in there.

Once more the station vanished and an idea occurred to her. She was so close, if she could just run fast enough she'd be on the other side of that fence when the radio station reappeared. If she could time it just right, another flicker, and she'd be inside. She'd be inside with Ricky.

The station reappeared and she inched forward. She'd be inside with him, she'd find him, and then she could make everything right again. She just had to time it right.

Radio Waves of the Macabre [On Hiatus]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora