The understood misunderstanding - Part 2

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Mahir led them to their room without uttering a word and closed the door. He stood still for a few minutes, still holding Bela's hand. She  was too anxious to say anything and preferred letting him process whatever happened downstairs. Getting out of his trance, he abruptly let go of Bela's hand and made his way towards the wardrobe, leaving Bela confused and worried.

“Bela, where did you put my clothes for the party?”He asked while taking off his suit jacket.

Bela blinked several times, thinking she misheard. ‘‘What was wrong with him? Did he actually ask about his clothes? Doesn't he want any clarifications? ’’

As Bela didn't reply him, Mahir turned towards her while unbuttoning his shirt.

“Bela? What's wrong?”

This made Bela snapped out of her daze.

“Mahirji, what's wrong with you? Are you going to act casual, as if nothing just happened downstairs?” Bela decided upon diving directly into the matter because she could not bear his silence anymore. She could see him tensed and took a step towards him. “Mahirji, you have to believe me. I didn't even know Yuvi was back. I didn't...”

‘‘I do believe you Bela. Of course you wouldn't know he was back because we were also astonished to see him back after all these months, as if nothing ever happened  at all. And no I'm not trying to act unconcerned about whatever happened, because indeed lot of things happened and many things were said . Things I heard and you didn't.  You may think I'm trying to be casual about it, while in fact, I'm just trying to keep my calm. I need to cool down before we get into this conversion. Do you remember how I react during the Rehaan incident Bela? I somehow acted like a jerk with you, said things I shouldn't have and I don't want that to happen again. So please, I'm just asking you for a few hours, because it's only human after all. So, we are going to get ready to attend this umpteenth party, try to enjoy it and discuss afterwards. Okay?”

Bela was astounded. She hadn't expected him to be so franc with her and now that he shared how he felt, she was gloomy. She could feel her heart ache for this man who was standing with such an innocent face in front of her. Her eyes filled with tears and not trusting her voice, she simply nodded.

‘‘So now, if you've finished drooling over my body, could you please put my clothes on the bed while I go take a shower?’’ Mahir said smirking, wanting to enlighten the atmosphere.

This comment made Bela startled and she blushed furiously, realizing that Mahirji stood shirtless in front of her.

“What's wrong with you Mahirji? I wasn't at all looking at you like that. You must definitely be out of your mind today. One second we were discussing something serious and the next one, you're rambling  such nonsense.  ”

Mahir was amused by her reaction but he was also glad he entertained her mind elsewhere. He made her way towards her, till her back hit the door. He was definitely enjoying this.

‘‘Liar. At the beginning of our relationship, you would get on your high horse every time, saying I was sauntering naked in front of you and now you just drool over it. Admit it wifey. There's nothing wrong in it.‘’ Mahir winked and made his way towards the bathroom leaving a crimsoned Bela behind.

‘‘I had already put your clothes in the bathroom for you to change. And hurry up. Kuhu will make a fuss if we're late. ’’ Bela said to his retreating figure.

“There's definitely something wrong with him today. This must be overwhelming effect of the latest happenings. ”

Bela shook her head with a relieved smirk on her face and went to get ready meanwhile.

Half an hour later, Bela was almost ready. She had opted for a black saree with red borders to match his black sherwani. She was sitting in front of the dressing table putting on her wedding chain. At this same moment, Mahir got out of the bathroom, already dressed. Bela's hand froze in mid air and their eyes locked through the mirror. He was looking dashing in his suit and wet hair.

“You're staring.‘’, he said with a smirk making Bela blush and she continued finalising her look. “And thank you, you look beautiful too.”
A look at him and Bela knew he was pulling her legs yet again.

She stood up, rolling her eyes, and made her way to him .

‘‘Are you ready? We should go downstairs now, before Sumi ma calls for us. Most of the guests must be here by now. ’’

“Hmm, let's go.”

Bela was a little wary to go knowing, Yuvi would be there too. She didn't know how it might turn up with him around.

“Don't worry Bela. Everything will be fine. Ignore whatever anyone may say. I'll be here with you.”

Mahir reassured her and held a hand out, which Bela willingly took. He squeezed her hand, seeking comfort too in the gesture. He had to let her know he was here for her like always.  He somehow knew where he stood in her life now, but he needed to be sure of it.

Hand in hand, they both made their way downstairs to face whatever they might have to, together.

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